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MQXF updates P. Ferracin October 9th, 2014
Outline Overview and naming convention Status and plans Winding tests
MQXF magnetic and magnet length String test P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Introduction MQXF overview
Target: 140 T/m in 150 mm coil aperture To be installed in 2022 (LS3) Q1/Q3 (by US LARP collaboration) 2 magnets with 4.0 m of magnetic length within 1 cold mass Q2 (by CERN) 1 magnet of 6.8 m within 1 cold mass, including MCBX (1.2 m) Baseline: different lengths, same design Identical short model magnets SQXF Outline Status of R&D and challenges: Conductor, cable, insulation Coil-structure design, integration Quench protection Planning by E. Todesco P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Naming convention By Samy Chemli
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Naming convention By Samy Chemli
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF magnet design Coil Pole alignment key (G11) Bolted collar (Al)
Bolted pads (iron) Masters (iron) For bladders Yoke (iron) Aluminum shell For pre-load Stainless steel shell LHe containment P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF magnet design Coil Pole alignment key (G11) Bolted collar (Al)
Bolted pads (iron) Masters (iron) For bladders Yoke (iron) Aluminum shell For pre-load Stainless steel shell LHe containment P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF magnet design P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Overview Short model program: 5 CERN-LARP models, 2014-2016
Coil fabrication starts in 02-03/2014 First magnet test (SQXF1) in 05/2015 (3 LARP coils, 1 CERN coil) Long model program: 2 (CERN) + 3 (LARP) models, Coil fabrication starts in 2015: 01 (LARP), 09 (CERN) First magnet test in 08/2016 (LARP) and 07/2017 (CERN) Series production: 10 (CERN) + 10 (LARP) cold masses, P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Outline Overview and naming convention Status and plans Winding tests
MQXF magnetic and magnet length String test P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF short model Coil fabrication status
LARP coil #1 completed LARP coil #2 Ready for impregn. At FNAL LARP coil #3 Prep. For impregnation at BNL CERN coil #001 Prep. For impregnation CERN coil #101 Prep. For impregnation CERN coil #102 Wound and cured P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF short model coil fab. Schedule HiLumi-LARP Daresbury (11/13)
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF short model Support structure
Al shell Delivered and measured Al dummy coils Delivered and measured Iron yoke Delivered Iron masters Delivered and measured Al collars Delivered and measured 150 mm mock-up Delivered and measured P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF first short model schedule HiLumi-LARP Daresbury (11/13)
Support structure fabricated and qualified by 02/15 First magnet assembly in 03/15 1 coil from CERN First test by 06/15 P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF long model Status CERN LARP
Design of long coil and mandrel in progress LARP The design of coil fabrication tooling (including winding/curing ,reaction/impregnation and lifting/shipping) has been completed. Procurement of the tooling launched The plan is to start 1st practice coil winding early 2015 P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF first long model schedule HiLumi-LARP Daresbury (11/13)
Start winding LARP in 01/2015 CERN in 09/2015 First “real” or “mirror” coil LARP in 10/2015 CERN in 08/2016 First long prototype test LARP in 11/2016 CERN in 11/2017 P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Outline Overview and naming convention Status and plans Winding tests
MQXF magnetic and magnet length String test P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Test set-up Inner layer, favourable Outer layer, unfavourable
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Exampled of unstable cable
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Winding test example (with tool)
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Winding test example (with tool)
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
45 winding tests performed
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Winding test conclusions By P. Ferracin, L. Oberli, S
Winding test conclusions By P. Ferracin, L. Oberli, S. Izquierdo Bermudez In general, all RRP and PIT cables are stable in the favorable direction Cable wound clock-wise around the pole (inner layer condition) In general, all RRP and PIT cables are unstable in the unfavorable direction The few PIT which did not show unstable behavior were not reproducible The cable behaviour was not improving when playing with the winding tension We performed tests at different winding tension (25 kg, 45 kg, 60 kg), and the behaviour was similar The core does not seem to play a role in the cable mechanical stability We only wound one RRP sample without core, but we also show this “typical behaviour”. In general, all RRP and PIT cables can be wound with the tool (and/or with the binder) In some cases it is required to use a thinner tool which better follows the cable during all the length of the turn The feed-back from the winding team about the stability of the insulated RRP cable during winding of coil 101 and 102 is extremely positive. Not clear popped-out strands were observed, also by partially unwinding some of the turns Similar conclusions come from LARP, which has wound 3 coils with RRP strand using the binder (and not tool) From the winding team, it seems also clear that the braided insulation plays a key role in improving stability However, it is not clear if, by simple visual inspection and touching the insulated cable during winding, popped strand can be detected. CERN coil 101 (low grade RRP) and LARP coil 1 will be cut to check P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Outline Overview and naming convention Status and plans Winding tests
MQXF magnetic and magnet length String test P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF magnet design P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Magnetic length of short model P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
MQXF magnet design From magnetic length to end of magnet (end-plate + connection box) Connection side: 510 mm Non-connection side: 214 mm P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Q1 Connection side: from magnetic length to end of end-cover
=540 mm (510 mm magnetic to end of magnet in MQXF) Non-connection side: from magnetic length to Q1a-Q1b “middle point” =250 mm (214 mm magnetic to end of magnet in MQXF) P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Q2 Connection side: from magnetic length to end of end-cover
=559 mm (510 mm magnetic to end of magnet in MQXF) Non-connection side: from magnetic length to Q1a-Q1b “middle point” 172+78=250 mm (214 mm magnetic to end of magnet in MQXF) P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Minimum distance between Q1a and Q1b magnetic lengths
From magnetic length to end of magnet (end-plate + connection box) Non-connection side: 214 mm Minimum distance: (?) = ~ 450 mm P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Q1-Q2-Q3 connection side From magnetic length to end of end-cover
559 mm in current lay-out 510 mm magnetic to end of magnet in short model Lyra and end-cover Additional ~200 mm 759 mm P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
Outline Overview and naming convention Status and plans Winding tests
MQXF magnetic and magnet length String test P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
String test String test planned for 2019-2020
Cold mass magnet in its cryostat with beam screen by 01/2019 Delivery of cold mass in 06/2018 Delivery of magnet in 02-03/2018 Second CERN long model Second and third LARP long models P. Ferracin 09/10/2014
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