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2 Preanaesthesia Preparations
The anaesthesia provider or surgeon may wish to talk with the patient before sedation is given. The surgeon should mark the actual surgical site with an indelible marker. The patient should be informed about all procedures before they are initiated. PRPD/DN/PON/10

3 Removal of body hair if ordered.
The procedures may need to be completed before the induction of anaesthesia Removal of body hair if ordered. Marking of surgical incision sites such as for plastic surgery of the face and torso. Insertion of IV access. Insertion of invasive haemodynamic monitoring lines, as appropriate. Administration of the preanaesthesia medication and other drugs such as preoperative antibiotics, as ordered. PRPD/DN/PON/10

4 Nursing care For an anxious patient – provide comfort, reassurance and attention. A compassionate expression in the eyes and voice and reassuring touch of the hand can convey concern and under -standing to the patient. The nurse should answer questions and see to the patient’s comfort. PRPD/DN/PON/10

5 For a drowsy patient – unnecessary conversation should be avoided.
Cont… For a drowsy patient – unnecessary conversation should be avoided. The patient should be kept warm. Maintain quiet and restful atmosphere to enable the patients to gain full advantage of the premedication. PRPD/DN/PON/10

6 Transfer to the operating room
Before transporting the patient into the OR, the circulating nurse has several important duties to fulfill: Greet the patient and validate his or her identity The circulating nurse should introduce self and address the patient appropriately. Ask the patient to state and/or spell his or her name especially full name and date of birth. PRPD/DN/PON/10

7 Observe the patient for any reaction to the medication.
Cont… Check the identity wristband before the patient leaves for the OR. Verification of the surgical procedure, site, and surgeon with the patient provides reassurance that this is the correct patient. Check the side rails, restraining straps, IV infusions and indwelling catheters. Observe the patient for any reaction to the medication. Observe the patient anxiety level. PRPD/DN/PON/10

8 Cont… Check the history and physical examination data, laboratory tests, radiograph reports and consent form or documentation in the patient’s chart. Review the plan of care Pay particular attention to allergies and any previous unfavourable reactions to anaesthesia or blood transfusion. Become familiar with this patient’s unique and individual need. The patient is taken into the OR after the surgeon sees him or her and the anaesthesia provider is ready to receive the patient. PRPD/DN/PON/10

9 Circulating nurses can minimize the potential hazards in the following manner:
Never leave the sedated patient unguarded. An unattended patient may fall or be injured by equipment. Correctly identify patients, surgical sites and medications. An incorrect surgical procedure on a patient or an error on medication is usually the result of inadequate identification. Create, maintain and control an optimally therapeutic environment in the OR. This involves control of the physical environment, such as temperature, humidity, and personnel. PRPD/DN/PON/10

10 Cont… Traffic flow in and out of the room should be kept to a minimum. The more movement and talking, the greater the microbial count in the room. Once the patient is in the OR, it should be kept quiet so the effects of sedation are not counteracted. A tranquil, relaxed atmosphere is conducive to team concentration and orderly functioning so all can go well. The standards of ethical conduct should be strictly enforced. The End PRPD/DN/PON/10


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