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WP8 Family drivers of Youth Unemployment and Adulthood Transitions

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1 WP8 Family drivers of Youth Unemployment and Adulthood Transitions
Research plan STYLE Kick-off meeting Brighton, 1 April 2014 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n°

2 Partners in the workpackage
TÁRKI Social Research Institute (TARKI) – leader Universitá degli studi di Torino (UNITO) – co-leader Universitá degli studi di Trento (UNITN) Universitá degli studi di Salerno (UNISA) Koc University (KU) University of Brighton (UoB) 14/11/2018

3 Motivation Increasing inequalities (income, job security,…) between households and generations Increasing unemployment (esp. youth), “neet” & difficult access to LM (precarious employment), despite increased educational levels; strong differences across EU Increased postponement of life-course transitions: LM ‘stable’ entrance, residential independence, partnership, parenthood …not clear yet which hh configurations, individuals’ characteristics & institutional features could help reduce the risk of poverty, accelerate access to the LM (reducing mismatch), reduce turbulence in early LM careers & contrast postponement in family formation …problem of wrong/poor educational credentials or job availability? How can family of origin & policy best support (new) family formation and speedy/stable employment (as prerequisite)? 14/11/2018

4 Tasks to be performed within the workpackage

5 Task 1 Work-poor and work-rich families effect labour market outcomes
UNITN UNITO UoB 14/11/2018

6 Task 1 Work-poor and work-rich families effect labour market outcomes
Research questions Data Methods Persons involved Do young unemployed live in work-rich or work-poor families? EU-SILC Descriptive stats. UNITN Paola Villa Gabriella Berloffa UNITO Tiziana Nazio Marianna Filandri Nicola Negri UoB: Jackie O’Reilly What is the effect of the family of origin on the probability of being/remaining unemployed? Logit / dynamic probit Gabriella Berloffa UNITO Tiziana Nazio Marianna Filandri Nicola Negri 14/11/2018

7 Task 2 Family strategies to cope with poor labour market outcomes
UNITO UNITN UoB 14/11/2018

8 Task 2 Family strategies to cope with poor labour market outcomes
Research questions Data Methods Persons involved Effects of the family of origin on the sequences of labour market outcomes: Does a longer time in unemployment lead to access a better job? Does a bad entry job lead to more adverse employment outcomes later? EU-SILC Logit models, sequence analysis of employment status, discrete-time event history analyses UNITO Tiziana Nazio Marianna Filandri Nicola Negri UNITN Paola Villa Gabriella Berloffa UoB Jackie O’Reilly 14/11/2018

9 Task 3 Leaving and returning to the parental home during the crisis
UNISA KU 14/11/2018

10 Task 3 Leaving and returning to the parental home during the crisis
Research questions Data Methods Persons involved What factors affect the decisions of young people to leave (or stay in) the parental home? EU-SILC; EU-LFS; Structure of earnings survey SES ( /2013) Strategies - Static conditional logit model - Dynamic probit model(s) UNISA: Niall O’Higgins Fernanda Mazzotta What are patterns of leaving and returning parental home? How does the decision of leaving/returning affect the HH structure? How do these processes affect immigrants? EU-SILC, 2005 and 2011 module on intergen. trans-mission of pov. EU-LFS Eurobarometer - Descriptive statistics - Multivariate analysis KU: Fatos Goksen Deniz Yükseker Ceren Deniz How does leaving and returning parental home connect with European youth housing policies? EU-SILC Desk research Sec. data analysis Country selection 14/11/2018

11 Task 4 Parental material resources in adulthood transitions
TÁRKI UNITO 14/11/2018

12 Task 4 Parental material resources in adulthood transitions
Poverty risk increases when young people leave parental home. Research questions Data Methods Persons involved How demographic and labour market outcomes interact with poverty risk outcomes? EU-SILC - Dynamic RE probit - Feedback effects: pov., empl. and dem. events TÁRKI Sara Ayllón, András Gábos What intrahousehold financial assistance parents provide to unemployed young adults? SHARE GGS Multinomial logit Márton Medgyesi What interhousehold financial assistance parents provide to unemployed young adults? UNITO: Tiziana Nazio, Marianna Filandri, Nicola Negri TÁRKI: Márton Medgyesi 14/11/2018

13 Task 5 Family formation strategies and employment status
UNITO TÁRKI 14/11/2018

14 Task 5 Family formation strategies and employment status
Higher parental resources associated with a delay in formation of marriage and cohabitation Age at first birth and demographic trajectories are transmitted between generations Research questions Data Methods Persons involved What is the role of unemployment and job insecurity in mediating the effect of parental resources on the likelihood and timing of marriage, cohabitation and childbearing? Focus on cohabitation and on comparative evidence EU-SILC GGS - Discrete time event history analysis - Competing hazard models - Lagged explanatory variables logit or probit TÁRKI András Gábos Elena Mariani UNITO Tiziana Nazio Marianna Filandri Nicola Negri 14/11/2018

15 Task 6 Policy synthesis and integrative report
Synthesis of tasks 1-5 and policy recommendations Report will summarise and integrate the research findings of the specific tasks Report will also provide information to be integrated into WP 3 & 4 14/11/2018

16 Cross-cuting issues for research tasks & WP
Detect family strategies by observing LM and demographic outcomes Secondary analysis of existing data Use of longitudinal data (EU-SILC, SHARE, GGS) to look at transitions Comparative analyses (selection of countries) Gender and class differences The role of institutions The effect of the economic crisis Ask for provision of indicators on housing (policy and indicators) 14/11/2018

17 Deliverables/reports to be produced during the project
Title Responsible team Deadline D8.1 Work-poor and work-rich families influence on youth labour market outcomes UNITN (UNITO, UoB) M15 D8.2 Family strategies to cope with poor labour market outcomes UNITO (UNITN, UoB) M24 D8.3 Leaving and returning to the parental home during the economic crisis UNISA (KU) M22 D8.4 The role of parental material resources in adulthood transitions TÁRKI (UNITO) M28 D8.5 Family formation strategies, unemployment and precarious employment M30 D8.6 Policy synthesis and integrative report TÁRKI and UNITO (UNITN, UNISA, KU, UoB) M36 14/11/2018

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