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SHARE: John Prihoda SHARE Project Manager

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1 SHARE: John Prihoda SHARE Project Manager
SHARE Special Project General Services Department SHARE eProcurement Enhancements Phase II Requesting Agency: Karen Baltzley CIO General Services Department SHARE: John Prihoda SHARE Project Manager

2 eProcurement Enhancements Phase II
The GSD eProcurement Phase II Enhancements Project is Requesting Certification for Closeout Original Project Justification: GSD/SPD’s business processes are slow, manual, error-prone, & paper-based Purchase request turn around times are excessive Data to support management decisions is difficult & labor-intensive to acquire Use of spreadsheets is error-prone and creates consistency problems Metrics are incomplete and cumbersome to identify areas for improvement Duplicate entry creates synchronization issues

3 eProcurement Enhancements Phase II
Funding Source

4 eProcurement Enhancements Phase II Goals
Configure and implement the existing SHARE Financial and Supply Chain (FSCM) eProcurement application for identified Pilot Agencies (DOH, Environment, HSD) to provide the following capabilities; Provide paperless business processing by implementing On-line requisitions Implement Item Catalogues in Punch Out to enable the processing and delivery of the end user requests for goods and services in the fastest possible way Improve efficiencies by automating document transmission to and from suppliers Extend standard Commodity Codes for services and goods purchased Pre-Populate default chartfields based on commodity 11/14/2018

5 eProcurement Enhancements Phase II Goals
Use delivered workflow processing to automatically route Requisitions through the system for approvals based on commodity and/or amount Relieve the manual notice for approval of orders and allow the proper use of the workflow for monitoring paperless approvals Significantly reduce manual data entry and increase transparency and integration with financials and budgeting Increase the efficiency of the delivered budget checking processes to encumber and release encumbrances of funds and allow for on-line review of available funds Enhance application security to allow and disallow end-users to perform procurement, sourcing and budgetary functions Improve end-user experience through shopping cart purchasing, increased use of delivered reporting and transparency of processes

6 SHARE / PeopleSoft FSCM Application Portfolio
Scorecard User Productivity Kit Planning & Budgeting Productivity and Advanced Analytics Financials & Supply Chain Warehouses Activity-Based Management Project Portfolio Management Global Consolidations Supplier Rating System Extended Suite eProcurement eSettlements eSupplier Connection Program Management Supplier Contract Management Strategic Sourcing Core Applications Financial Management General Ledger Commitment Control Accounts Payable Asset Management Billing eBill Payment Expenses Accounts Receivable Licensed / Implemented Modules Licensed Modules Not Licensed Modules Supply Chain Management Purchasing Services Procurement Catalog Management Order Management Inventory Project & Grant Management Project Costing Grants Management Billing Contracts Resource Management Treasury Management Cash Management Deal Management* Asset Lifecycle Management Maintenance Management IT Asset Management Real Estate Management * Dormant, functionality not configured 6

7 Summary RoadMap and Vision
Strategic Direction (Phases): Phase 1 - Build Out Foundation Phase 2 - Enhance and Extend Phase 3 – E-Bid/Contracts Management/Vendor Portal Phase III Contracts Management Strategic Sourcing (e-Bid/Vendor Portal) Phase II Roll Out – Agency by Agency/Vendors Enable standardized descriptions of purchased goods/services Phase I Enable requisition to capture data from vendor web-site and on-line catalogue Security clean-up, on-line approvals, electronic requisitions, streamlined navigation, central view Automated Requisition to PO conversion, Vendor/Bidder file cleanup System Optimization, Commodity Codes Clean-up, establish purchasing defaults, chartfield data population

8 eProcurement Phase II Enhancements
Project Accomplishments: Through the efforts of GSD, SHARE, & DOH (pilot agency) the project was able to: Automate routine business tasks Improve communications between SPD and Vendors Improve efficiency of State agency procurements Improve compliance with the State Procurement Code Build vendor catalogs with normalized naming conventions and pricing methods Establish Amazon-style shopping cart features between agencies & selected vendors Streamline and shorten acquisition time Provide procurement life-cycle tracking from requisition to invoice payment Utilized previously purchased PeopleSoft modules with minimal consulting to implement

9 eProcurement Phase II Enhancements
Project Accomplishments: Fit-Gap Sessions with Executive Agencies/Judicial/Courts completed Completed issues clean-up of Commodity Code related items (implemented a query tool to track agencies using default of for the purpose of re-training and identifying issues, mapping of Commodity Codes to correct GL account ) and database update with latest codes Implemented Requisition Punchout/Catalogue and Item Approval Workflows Grainger and Staples were configured for Direct Connect or “Punchout”(availability to shop for Statewide Price Agreement items on-line) Implemented Items Catalogue Adjusted security roles action, permissions, user preference, requestor set-up DOH and Environment workflows were implemented and User Acceptance Testing completed. Agencies have been moved to production. Cookbook configuration and implementation documentation have been delivered Training /Knowledge transfer to DFA Financial Control Division Support Unit completed

10 eProcurement Phase II Lessons Learned
Setup of vendor catalogs takes longer than expected – volume related, initial steps Setup of Vendor electronic linkages takes longer than expected and testing has to be comprehensive Pilot Agency was not fully committed to use the new functionality Changes in pilot agency leadership and resources diverted focus and priority to other issues which halted deployment Continued implementation efforts contingent on hiring replacement for DFA FCDSU Support position Conduct upfront Agency surveys to determine most widely used vendors and commodity codes and agency readiness to utilize new SHARE and Procurement business process functionality and product enhancement offering Most utilized Vendors x more need = more interest Identify major suppliers with volume discounts to determine which vendors should be implemented first Revert configuration changes that were made prior to new platforming Business Unit configuration vs Enterprise configuration Cultural Change Management and Strategic Approach - Agencies were reluctant to change business processes – relinquish paper and multiple approval steps Must be committed effort internally and then externally to vendors

11 eProcurement Phase II Project Budget
Major Project Expenditures Expense Project Management, Technical/Functional Implementation & Consulting $438,171.17 IV&V $6,600.00 TOTAL APROPRIATION $435,000.00  Additional Funding from Share $ 20,000.00  TOTAL BUDGET $455,000.00 TOTAL SPENT $444,771.14 BALANCE $ 10,228.86

12 eProcurement Phase II Enhancements
GSD is requesting the Project Certification Committee’s approval to close this project out. Q & A

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