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Healthcare Recruitment in the Western Isles Gordon Jamieson Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthcare Recruitment in the Western Isles Gordon Jamieson Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthcare Recruitment in the Western Isles Gordon Jamieson Chief Executive

2 Geography 26000 population spread across 11 populated islands 30 miles off the west coast of Scotland 150 miles of sparsely populated islands Joined by air links, ferries and causeways 40 minute flight from Glasgow

3 Stunning scenery…


5 But…

6 Causeway








14 Age Distribution Western Isles Population Pyramids, 2009 - 2033

15 Population estimate split by age group and gender

16 Population estimates for the Western Isles 2010 compared to previous year

17 Percentage change in population by NHS Board areas, 2000-2010

18 Employment in the Western Isles Employment rates (16-64) by local authority, Scotland. Change over two years (2008-2010)



21 WIHB - Employment by Job Family

22 Long Term Health Conditions Projected Persons living with Long Term Health Conditions in Western Isles

23 How do people spend their leisure time? Euro stat survey 45% of time watching television (25 hrs/wk) 24% of time socialising 22-23% of time doing sport and hobbies 10% of time doing other activities

24 Second most popular activity in Britain is visiting or entertaining friends or relations Cinema is the most popular cultural activity in the UK Newspaper survey found that 20% of women are compulsive shoppers – Retail Therapy Going to the pub is the most popular leisure activity outside the home

25 Local island issues? Culture Leisure opportunities Sunday opening Travel and costs Cost of living

26 Other Minch Air travel Weather Demographics >65 working age population

27 Professional Increasing professional regulation Professional isolation Opportunities Low staff turnover

28 Clinical Clinical standards – outcome focussed Reliability – safety Case mix Centralisation agenda Increasing sub-specialisation

29 Solutions? Access to appropriate CPD Relocation Clinical and professional networks Clear strategic intent Optimal access and use of telehealth

30 Solutions? (continued) Providing opportunities for play and recreation Supporting learning and development Promoting youth as problem solvers Fixing and preventing youth problems




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