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Improving Student Success Through Data-Informed Decision-Making

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Student Success Through Data-Informed Decision-Making"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Student Success Through Data-Informed Decision-Making
Montgomery County Community College Innovations 2010

2 Presenters Dr. Karen A. Stout, President
Celeste Schwartz, Vice President for Information Technology Leon Hill, Director of Institutional Research and Assessment Dr. Kathrine Swanson, Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management

3 College Background 19,677 credit and 13,092 non-credit students annually (total = 32,769) County of about 800,000 residents in Suburban Philadelphia Two campuses (Blue Bell and Pottstown) and multiple locations Highly competitive higher education market 42 percent of student body is 18-21 More than half seek transfer with 23 percent enrolled in Liberal Studies

4 College Background Since 2004, growth of 20 percent in credit headcount, 9 percent in non-credit headcount and 22 percent in credit FTEs $66 million operating budget 44 percent from students 29 percent from State 26 percent from County

5 College Background Student Success Focus
Student Success goals anchor current strategic plan (2005 to 2010) One of 10 pilot colleges in First Year College experience pilot ( ) Selected as an Achieving the Dream participant (2006) Secured a Title III grant to address gaps identified in First Year College pilot self-study (2006)

6 Developing a Culture of Evidence

7 Maturity of Capability by Stage
Level One: Analytically Impaired Level Two: Localized Analytics Level Three: Analytical Aspirations Level Four: Analytical Institutions Level Five: Analytic “competitors” Level one has no organization, no human skills and fragmented technology Level Two has pockets of isolated analytics and unintegrated transactional data systems Level Three has a CEO with a willingness but a resistant culture with data marts and warehouse in early development stages Level Four have broad senior management buy in, some evidence of culture change and high quality data and processes Level Five is using data for deep and continuous renewal and change, highly skilled analytical professionals and enterprise wide systems plus highly engaged CEO and institutional buy in

8 Culture of Evidence

9 Culture of Evidence Begins with the mission statement and a focus on evaluation “The College views education as a dynamic process that brings to the community a diverse, constantly changing set of learning opportunities; opportunities that grow, change, transform and multiply as the community and our learners confront and react to ever present change. Thus, to fully meet our mission, the College participates in on-going self-assessment and review in order to enhance and improve instructional programs and services to students and the county we serve.”

10 Support and Tools

11 Operational Effectiveness Process Effectiveness
Institutional Effectiveness ERP Reports ERP Reporting Applications ERP QueryBuilder Microsoft FRx Reporter iStrategy HigherEd Analytics – Data Warehousing Microsoft Desktop Tools (Excel, Access) SAS/SPSS Business Objects Business Objects Business Objects Business Objects Crystal Reports Web Intelligence Dashboard Builder Performance Management

12 ODS Staging Table OLAP Cubes Relational Tables DATA WAREHOUSE REPORTS
ETL ERP System Other Systems Data STRATEGIC ANALYTIC Ad-Hoc

13 Why iStrategy Designed specifically for higher education
Integrated with Colleague Provided secure self-service reporting and analytical capabilities Modeled after best practices in data warehouse methodology and design (Why iStrategy) ~ (Designed specifically for higher education) We chose iStrategy because it was designed specifically for higher education. ~ (Integrated with Colleague) Additionally, it was integrated with Datatel Colleague, our Administrative Software System. ~ (Provided secure self-service reporting and analytical capabilities) Our executive team wanted a solution that would provide self-service reporting and analytical capabilities. Stress this. ~ (Modeled after best practices in data warehouse methodology and design) Finally, the iStrategy solution is modeled after best practices.

14 Implementing iStrategy
Our Implementation

15 iStrategy Implementation Process
Validation of Data “Data Cleaning” Training

16 Data Validation Add these non-Accuplacer tests
Non-accuplacer tests if you need them: Paper Pencil test for arithmetic = MAT.1 Paper Pencil test for elementary algebra = MAT.2 Paper Pencil test for intermediate algebra = MAT.3 Workshop for MAT010 = MAT010.2WK H.S.Algebra 2 = MHS Arithmetic Part 1 = MPT.1.12 Beginning Algebra Part 2 = MPT.13.27 Intermediate Algebra Part 3 = MPT.28.39 Exempt for Math first level = MPT.EXEMPT Semester Math Placement Test = MPT.SEM Math placement test second level part 1 algebra = AMPT.1.15 Math placement test second level part 2 trig = AMPT.16.25 H.S.Algebra = HS.ALG H.S.Math Unit = HS.MATH Exempt from reading placement test = RPT.EXEMPT Nelson-Denny reading test = RPT.GRADE Semester reading placement test = RPT.SEM Exempt from english placement test = EPT.EXEMPT Semester of English placement test = EPT.SEM Writing sample as English placement test ENG/ESL = EPT.WRIT ESL English use = LOEP.LU ESL Reading skills = LOEP.RS ESL Sentence meaning = LOEP.SM Secondary level English proficiency test = SLEP

17 Data Cleaning Fall 2007: Incorrect Grade Values XXX 136 151 147
High School Names Springford HS Spring-Ford HS Spring Ford HS

18 Training

19 Training

20 Training

21 Training

22 Timeline Validation & Clean Up Training End User Live
January - March 2008 Training End User June-July 2008 Live June 2008

23 Demonstration of Reports and Dashboards











34 Wrap up and Q & A

35 Challenges New Technology
Applying our business rules to pre-programmed iStrategy logic Verifying Data - matching numbers with Datatel reports Understanding of the data - interpreting the user’s logic The second iStrategy installation of the HR module was easier!

36 Successes Web based tool – User friendly interface Reports are quick
Trends are apparent, easily recognized Direct access to data for the user Sharing reports (My Views)

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