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Writing My WWII/Holocaust research Paper

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1 Writing My WWII/Holocaust research Paper
By Mrs. T. Roberts Additional information can be found on my district website Teacher page. See the Educational Websites. This research paper is to be written according to MLA format and help can be found on the

2 Intro paragraph – 1st (Attention-getting)
Quote - “Be the change you want to see.” Statistic – “6 million Jews ” Definition – “Holocaust” “ghetto” Example – Number the Stars Timeline – D-Day Facts/Data – “3 million prisoners died in . . .” Story – POW camp in Porter, OK 4-6 sentences introducing the subject of the Holocaust/WWII

3 Last sentence of intro This paper will discuss/show/tell about/explain the Holocaust Ghettos, Hitler’s life, the propaganda, and the WWII inventions. Students selected their own 4 topics based on things that interested them as we read Number the Stars, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Prisoner of Night and Fog. Information that they collected can be found in the Research Folder from class.

4 Topic 1- Paragraph 2 1st sentence of paragraph -> My first Holocaust topic is ____. Use a few paraphrases, quotes, or summaries from different sources and place the author/source used in ( ) at the end of the information. Use explanations of your own in your own words in between. ex. “Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust of WWII.” (L. Tarshis) OR ex. According to Lauren Tarshis, book author of I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944, six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust of WWII.

5 Topic 2 – 3rd paragraph 2nd paragraph - > Another topic that is very important to the Holocaust is __________. (maybe Concentration Camps?) Use paraphrases, quotes, or summaries with the author/source used in ( ) at the end of the information. ex. “Three million Jews were killed in Auschwitz Death Camp alone.” (L. Tarshis) OR ex. According to Lauren Tarshis, book author of I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944, “three million Jews were killed in Auschwitz Death Camp alone.”

6 Topic 3 – 4th paragraph 1st sentence -> My next Holocaust topic deals with ____. (inventions coming out of WWII?) Use paraphrases, quotes, or summaries with the author/source used in ( ) at the end of the information. ex. “Rockets carrying bombs were an important invention coming out of WWII.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, p. 356) OR ex. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, rockets carrying bombs were an important invention coming out of WWII. (p.356)

7 Topic 4 – 5th paragraph 1st sentence -> My last Holocaust topic deals with ____. (Hilter’s life) Use paraphrases, quotes, or summaries with the author/source used in ( ) at the end of the information. ex. “Hitler was Austrian, born of a Jewish mother and abusive Austrian father.” (Bill O’Reilly, p. 24) OR ex. According to Bill O’Reilly in this recent book Hilter’s Last Days, “Hitler was Austrian, born of a Jewish mother and abusive Austrian father.”(p.24)

8 Summary – paragraph 6 4-6 sentences
What happened as a result of WWII and the Holocaust? What could be done to prevent this from happening in the future? Challenge reader (quote? Or your thoughts?)

9 Impressive projects Pictures? (with sources and caption?)
Charts and graphics? (t-chart, KWL, Venn Diagram, quotes, percentages %, facts/details with sources) Changed 5-7 words to more exciting, vivid, descriptive words? (Thesaurus) Colorful and decorative? – (scrapbooking scissors, paper dolls, models & objects) Typed Research Paper? (not required) Works Cited – 5 sources min. (avoid Plagiarism) (Last page of your paper – required!) (See website for MLA format on this. Listed by author’s last name alphabetically.) Give credit to each quote, paragraph, summary & picture?

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