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GreenMark Employee Engagement

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1 GreenMark Employee Engagement
Solutions for John Deere Dealers

2 Speakers Marc Anthony Ryan Condon
Operations Manager, GreenMark Equipment 18+ years in customer facing role 17+ years leading teams Father of 4 and avid eater CEO, SATISFYD 17+ years customer &Employee Experience Father of 4 and avid runner

3 SATISFYD CX Framework / Solutions
We enable actionable change to create consistent delivery of a defined experience

4 Employee Engagement Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals. Loyal Enthusiastic Involved

5 Value of a highly engaged workforce
Maximizes a company’s investment in human capital Improves productivity Significantly reduce costs (ex: turnover) Increases long term growth potential Attracts high performance talent

6 Employee (eNPS) vs Customer (cNPS) on Recommend The Dealer Question
We used the customer satisfaction survey results from the John Deere Enterprise survey process conducted by SATISYFD and the Employee’s Willingness to Recommend your dealership, as collected on the SATISFYD Employee satisfaction process, as a good place to work. I would consider the upper right quadrant those that are meeting both the employee needs as well as the customers. The Bottom left would be those locations that are both not meeting customer needs nor employee

7 GreenMark Equipment Marc Anthony Operations Manager

8 About Dealership 15 Location, 370+ employees
SW Michigan / Northern Indiana Full service dealership Acquisitions & Merger History Fillmore Equipment (9 locations) Gilsinger Group (5 locations) Howard & Sons – 1934

9 About Myself Grew up on a fruit / vegetable farm
Worked for a farm coop Lives in Southwest Michigan Haworth, Inc. – (Office furniture OEM) Marketing Operations & Demand Generation Manger – Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI - Office furniture OEM) Director of Customer Care & Product Service – Director of Credit Services – 6,000 employees globally 5,000 employees globally

10 About Me How does my experience relate?
Worked with dealers Managed remote employees Manage distributed teams / departments Brought into GreenMark in October 2015 Leverage corporate experiences for GreenMark continued growth Apply employee and customer expertise to blend cultures

11 Industry Challenges Merger & Acquisition Talent Management
Multiple organizations trying to become one Policies & Processes Expectations Talent Management 5-6 generations working under same roof Local competition for employees Need to develop key employees/leaders Multiple distributed locations Each store really has a different sub-culture Getting around to see staff / reinforce culture Community cultures Everybody knows everybody’s business. Change in as few as miles

12 Case Study – Customer Care at Herman Miller
Challenge: Merger History Problem Low customer and employee scores High turnover Poor performance Bad morale at all levels Proposed solution Reviewed dealer and employee surveys results Made action plans with owners Created due dates Monthly reviews

13 Case Study – Customer Care at Herman Miller
Challenge: Merger History Actions Employees saw the changes Got after poor performers Kept raising the bar every year Outcome & Value In 3 years Customer Care became the highest scoring area Customer scores of satisfaction and importance went from last to #1 & #2 Turnover decreased and performance increased Compounded sales growth rate of 42% with a 12% decrease in headcount Managed by attrition and reallocations without job eliminations

14 Short Term Strategy (PDCA - plan, do, check & adjust)
Challenge: Multiple Distributed Locations and Talent Management Overall Goal Need to deliver a consistent John Deere level of experience across locations Want to be a premier employer in the region Create an environment where people give what they get Get all locations up to a consistent level of employee engagement Current challenges No existing objective reference point / baseline employee engagement Only anecdotal information / turnover stats No way to understand root cause (locations / leadership / poisonous employee, etc.)

15 Short Term Strategy (PDCA - plan, do, check & adjust)
Challenge: Multiple Distributed Locations and Talent Management Getting Started Getting leadership buy-in Create a baseline by conducting employee engagement surveys Correlate customer satisfaction data (Dealership Experience NPS) Results The power of “letting people be heard” Communicate and address what will be changed Leverage results to drive action plans

16 Short Term Strategy (PDCA - plan, do, check & adjust)
Challenge: Community Cultures Overall Goal Create an environment of acceptance across teams and locations Find commonalities and appreciate the differences Current challenges Assume that we are all the same and get frustrated with differences Getting Started Define corporate values (3 or 4 things that make people do business with us) Reinforce and communicate those values 80/20 Rule – Turn it around – focus on the 20% that drives the 80% Results Creates alignment within team to drive efficiency and effectiveness Teams are more focused shared goals / create continuous improvement culture More consistent experience for customer and employee

17 Suggestions for Dealer (PDCA)
Plan - Get leadership/ownership buy-in to align mutual expectations Do - Create a baseline / Leverage baseline to drive actions Check - Monitor performance / Create feedback loops Adjust - Refine action plans to ensure target goals are achieved Under-promise, over-deliver Less is more – do a few things very well Stay the course – “Greatness… is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline” Jim Collins, Good to Great and the Social Sectors

18 Suggestions for Dealer (PDCA)
Conduct an Employee Satisfaction Survey to get a baseline Have you done them in the past Absolutely! Why SATISFYD? Great value, very good product, and promising team Are there other choices for Deere dealers? Yes – everything from Survey Monkey to some pretty high cost consultants

19 Suggestions for Dealer
3 easy actions steps that don’t require any help that a dealer can take from this webinar? Ask open ended questions Really listen Identify themes PDCA – Plan Do Check Adjust repeat (continuous improvement 101) Set up feedback loops Be warned – constructive feedback can be hard Catch people doing the right things and thank and praise them in detail

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