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Published byAlbert Denis Andrews Modified over 6 years ago
Budget Review & Budgeting In Hyperion Planning
OBJECTIVES Budget and Planning Process Operating Expense (OPEX)
Basic Hyperion Functionality Login Navigation Edit data OPEX Hyperion Data Entry Form Variance Reports
Budget CYCLE process SEND Projection & Budget to GL / COPY to FINAL version in Hyperion SEND Employee Master Data from HR Send Salary Actuals from Payroll APPROVE Update Projection, Update Budget Update Forecast in Hyperion Generate Labour Forecast Update assumptions SEND Actual $ from GL to Hyperion PEOPLESOFT / HYPERION INTERFACE OPERATING / ANCILLARY UNITS BUDGETING SERVICES BUDGET COMMITTEE
Budgeting process Prior Year YearActuals Projection Budget
One budget cycle includes: Creating a projection (5 Month Review or 8 Month Review for the current year. Creating the Budget for the following year. Creating Forecast for 2 outer years We use Prior Year’s actuals as a guide for the projections Prior Year YearActuals Projection Budget Current Year YTD Actuals Projection Budget Forecast Budget Year Budget Forecast Forecast Outer Year 1 Forecast Forecast Outer Year 2 Forecast
Hyperion Adjusted Budget pre-population
At the beginning of the Budget Cycle, the Projection is populated with the year to date monthly actuals and calculated monthly projections to meet the original Budget. The Current Year Original Budget is copied to the next year’s Budget as a starting point. Labour assumptions are updated according to the collective agreements and labour forecasts are calculated based on the new assumptions. ACTUALS ORIGINAL BUDGET PROJECTION Updated Monthly with data from the GL and Payroll Read Only The approved Budget for the current Fiscal Year. Any adjustments to the budget made throughout the year. Read-Write
LOGIN Enter the following URL:
Note: This URL is for Training environment ONLY. The Production URL is indicated in your handouts. Enter your MACID and password Click on EXCEL Icon entitled SmartView Click on the Open button on the banner in the bottom part of the screen. A pop-up shows status. Excel opens
Settings & Options
Advance Options
Data Options
Formatting Options
Navigating through Hyperion Forms and Reports
Open the SmartView Panel by going to the SmartView Tab, Click on the Panel Icon. To Navigate to each form or report, expand the folders by clicking the plus (+) sign next to each folder. Forms and reports have a grid symbol. You can open the form or report by double clicking on the name.
The Point of View POINT OF VIEW: Shows the Criteria of the Data shown on the form. The different dropdowns are: Department: Lists the departments you are entitled to. Program: Lists all the available Programs. Type of Expenditure: One-Time or On-Going. Version: Lists what version you are working on: Working, or any of the What-If versions. Fund: READ ONLY indicates the fund. Please note that there are different forms for each fund. Hyperion only has the data associated to Operating fund (20), Ancillaries Fund (30) an Specially Funded (45). Once you have set the point of View, you need to click the REFRESH button for the system to retrieve the corresponding data
OPEX Data Entry Form - Detail Sections
Current Year Section: This is the section in which the Projection data is stored. It is pre-populated with the year to date actuals and original budget Users can update the data values. Users can expand to view monthly drilldown by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the Year Total Label. Budget Year Section: This is the section in which the BUDGET data is stored . It is pre-populated based on the original Budget. Users can expand to view monthly drilldown by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the Year Total Label. Original Budget and Actuals: To use as reference when entering projection and Budget. READ-ONLY. Original Budget shows Year Total Current Year Actual shows Year To Date: When new actuals are loaded into Hyperion, this column will update automatically. Prior Year Actuals shows total for the year. Forecast years Year Section: Not pre-populated. Users may enter a year Total forecast. Can’t Expand
Hands-on Open the OPEX form under Select the Point of View:
Forms > 01_BUDGET PREPARATION > 1.1 DATA ENTRY > OPEX > OPEX PLANNING Data Entry – F20 Select the Point of View: Department = D_10021 Program = P_30000 Type = On-Going Version = Working Click Refresh to retrieve the data from the database
Edit cells SUBMIT = SAVE Yellow cells are editable
Grey cells are LOCKED
When are cells Locked (Grayed out)?
Represents a calculation: Appropriations High level Accounts is the SUM of all the lower level values. Represents Actuals or Previous Budget Form has been submitted for Approval
Hands-on Expand FY19 to view monthly values
Change value in the Year Total column and click submit. What happens to the monthly values? Make the Year End FY20 expense for account A_ = the FY19 forecast x2 using EXCEL formulas. Click submit. Now change the Year total for FY19. What happens to the value you just changed? Change any value and click Refresh. What happens?
Un-Suppress Account When to use?
The OPEX Data Entry form suppresses (hides) Accounts that have NO data. If the pre-populated form doesn’t show a specific account, that means that there was no Original Budget and no actuals for that account. If we need to add a forecast to an account that does NOT show in the pre-populated form, we can UN- SUPPRESS a specific account using this function.
Un-Suppress Account How?
Right-click on any cell in the smart view form, and select the Smart View option to Open the SmartView Menu. Select the Un-Suppress Accounts option from the SmartView menu. The pop-up opens. Then select the account to un-suppress and the scenario.
Hands-on Un-suppress Account A_630012
Change the value in any month for the unsuppressed account. Click SUBMIT
Copy Monthly values using Function
When to use? Copy specific monthly values for one or multiple months from one scenario to another. I.E. Copy July Actual into July Working Projection What is copied? The monthly values are copied over and the Year total is re-calculated to add up to the sum of the monthly values. Also mention you can copy paste using EXCEL actuals into your forecast months…..
Copy Monthly values using Function
How? Right-click on any cell in the smart view form, and select the Smart View option to Open the SmartView Menu. Select the Copy Monthly option from the SmartView menu. The pop-up opens. Then select the source and destination criteria.
Copy Monthly Actuals using Function
To copy monthly actuals into our projection, ensure that: Month equals to the period you want to copy. Note that P1 = May. Source and Target Department are equal Source and Target Program are equal Source Year = Current Fiscal Year Source Scenario = Actuals Source Version = Final
Hands-on Copy July Actuals into your July Projection for one department and program.
Copy Year Total using Function
When to use? Copy year total from one program to another. Copy forecasts from one year to another. Copy the Original Budget into 8 Month Review scenario. What is copied? The year total is copied over and then spread amongst the open months keeping the proportion of previous monthly values.
Copy Year Total using Function
How? Right-click on any cell in the smart view form, and select the Smart View option to Open the SmartView Menu. Select the Copy Year Total option from the SmartView menu. The pop-up opens. Then select the source and destination criteria.
Adding Comments to a Cell
When to use? Comments can be used as a communication mechanism between team members Comments can be entered when we need to adjust the budget. Comments are a useful tool to keep track of transfers. You can specify the department/program where the transfer is either coming from or going to.
Adding Comments to a Cell
Click on any editable cell (yellow in colour) or a range of cells at a month level. Move cursor to select the floating menu. Select the Add Comment Icon.
Hands-on Add a comment to any editable cell.
Adding Supporting Details
When to use? Supporting details add an extra breakdown of the data. Supporting details can be used to show how a specific number is derived. Supporting Details are useful when entering Recoveries and Transfers NOTE: Supporting details can only be added to a monthly value, not under Year Total values.
Adding Supporting Details to a Cell
Click on any editable cell (yellow in colour). Move cursor to select the floating menu. Select the Add Supporting Details Icon.
Adding Supporting Details to a Cell
Click the Add Child to start entering. In the detail section, enter the name of the detail, the operator (usually + to add), the value Click Add Sibling to continue adding details Click Submit
Add Supporting Details
You can have a spreadsheet with supporting details and copy paste in the supporting details. To do this the spreadsheet needs to have 3 columns: Description, Operator and Value as shown below: Select the rows you need, then paste in the Supporting detail box using the PASTE button:
Hands-on Add a supporting details to any editable Cell.
How does Hyperion Planning fit within MOSAIC?
Hyperion Receives Salary Expense Actuals from GL Monthly PeopleSoft GL Hyperion Hyperion Sends FINAL 8 Month review & Budget to GL When GL & PR don’t match there’s a HEDGE PeopleSoft HR PeopleSoft Pay Roll Hyperion Receives Employee Master Data from HR twice a year Hyperion Receives Salaries from Payroll
Assumptions Budgeting Services will maintain the assumptions in accordance to the collective agreements and the budgeting committee guidelines. The Assumptions will be available to planners READ ONLY. NAVIGATION: Number of pay periods per month Grade % Increase to be applied per fiscal year Grade/Step amount increase to be applied per fiscal year Merit Increase Effective Month Benefit % based on Salary Range
Employee Master Data Source of Record: PeopleSoft HR Read Only
Employee Master Data Base Salary FTE Employee
LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_EMPLOYEE ID_POSITION NO Start and end dates (if any) Hourly rate Adjusted for leaves, e.g. 90% of regular pay for research leave Standard hours Maximum weekly hours (35, 37½, 40) – used as denominator for FTE calculation Current standard hours (no overtime) Scheduled hours for individual employees, e.g. 17½ hours/week = 0.5 FTE Base Salary FTE
Employee Master Data Salary Increases Total Compensation
Benefit group, e.g. MUFA, TMG, Unifor1 Job grade and step Used in salary calculations, may be “None” for some benefit groups GL salary and benefit accounts Stipend amount per pay (no start or end dates) Taken from last actual pay Total Compensation
Master Data shown in Hyperion
The employee data sent from HR can be reviewed in the EXISTING EMPLOYEES – READ form. NAVIGATION:
Salary and Current Hours - Actuals Source of Record: PayRoll Read Only
This information is loaded monthly (at month end). Actual hours worked by each employee for the closed month. Actual salary paid to each employee for the closed periods. Actual Benefits paid to each employee for the closed periods.
Employee Adjustable Data
Planners may adjust some Employee values in order to forecast accurately the salary and benefits expense for said employee. The adjustable entries are: Employee End Date Hourly Rate Current Standard Hours Over Time Hours Stipend amount per pay Stipend Start and End Dates
Forecasted Data Source of Record: Calculated by Hyperion Read Only
SALARY Based on the Master data and the Assumptions, Hyperion calculates the total Salary forecast per month per employee for the current year’s open months. BENEFITS Based on the Master data and the Assumptions, Hyperion calculates the total Benefit forecast per month per employee for the current year’s open months. FTE Based on the Standard Hours from the Master Data and the Current Actual Hours, Hyperion calculates the FTE forecasts for the current year’s open months. When planners change any of the adjustable data entries, the system will recalculate the Salaries, Benefits and FTE’s accordingly. All forecasted data is summarized by account in the GL.
PRE-POPULATION of Labour Forecast
Review Labour Projection, Budget and Forecast by Employee to identify what adjustments need to be made using _Variance Report Detail by Employee Update any necessary master data information using _Existing Employees_Override Create master data for New Employees or Employee groups such as TAs using _New_Employee_Input Update FTEs by adjusting labour hours using _Labour_Hours_Input Once all the salaries and benefits are calculated, adjust at account level using the _Hedge_Salaries_Input
REVIEW Data loaded from PeopleSoft
Variance Report Detail by Employee
Navigation: Variance reports are specially useful to review when starting the process of labour budgeting as it will show at a high level the forecast that the system has calculated based on the HR data.
Adjusting Data
Adding New Employees 3. SUBMIT data 1. Enter Point Of View
Planners can forecast for new employees in their departments. For an new employee, planners will need to enter all the required data to calculate the forecast. Planners can “group” multiple new employees into one New employee for budgeting purposes I.E. planning for T.A’s that will all charge to the same GL-Accounts Planners must always use flag the newly created employee by entering YES in the Override field. Navigation: 3. SUBMIT data 1. Enter Point Of View 2. Enter the data for NEW EMPLOYEE. NOTE: The system will ONLY calculate forecasts for New Employees with “YES” in the override field
Hands-on Open the form
Enter Master Data for a New Employee Ensure to enter YES in the Override column Ensure you click submit to save changes Review forecast for new employee in the _Variance Report Detail by Employee
Budgeting for Group of Employees
Teacher’s Assistants (TAs) Sessional Lecturers Temp Casual
Budgeting TAs under one NEW EMPLOYEE
There are 2 distinct groups for TA’s: Grad and Under grad. Have each group under different New Employees When creating the New Employee in the form 02. NEW EMLOYEEs - INPUT, add the following information: Under Hourly Rate, enter the hourly rate, enter the appropriate rate for the TA type In most cases Planners know the total yearly salary amount they have for TA’s Under the Current Standard hours enter the result of calculating: (Total Yearly Salary / hourly Rate) / 52 I.E. Our total budget for TA’s is $25,000 and Under grad TA’s are paid $14 per hour, then the current standard hours to enter in the form should be (25000/14)/52 = hours
Adding New Employees to Represent a group of Sessional Lecturers
What Planners KNOW: Annual Budget I.E. $50,000 238 hours per 3 Units How many total units they are to teach I.E. 9 Calculate: Total hours in the year = total units * (238 / 3) = Total Units * 9* = 714 Current Standard Hours per week = Total Hours in year / Weeks in the year 714 / 52 = 13.73 Hourly Rate = (Annual Budget) / (Total hours in the year ) $50,000 / 714 = $70.03
Override Existing Employee Master Data
From _Existing_Employees_Override Enter the value “YES” in the Override column This Field MUST be entered otherwise the system will not recalculate forecast with the new Master Data If changing the accounts, select the salary account in the GL_SALARY_ACCT column and the benefit account in the GL_BENEFIT_ACCT column using the dropdowns Enter any changes to End date, Salary hourly rate, Stipend and or current standard hours Click Submit The system recalculates the forecast to expand the calculations up to the new end date entered. 4. SUBMIT data 1. Enter Point Of View 3. Enter master Data Changes 2. Enter YES to Override
Hands-on Open the
Update End date of an existing employee to April 30th 2018 Ensure to enter YES in the Override column Ensure you click submit to save changes Review forecast for new employee in the _Variance Report Detail by Employee and validate that the employee is no longer in the report. In the _Existing_Employees_Override add a Stipend Start date and enter a stipend amount.
Copying Employee Data Planners may need to Copy the data related to an existing employee into a different Department, Program or Type. An example is the need to add “One-Time” stipend to an existing Employee. In this case, planners can copy all the master data for said employee into the “One-Time” type and then enter the stipend using the Existing Employees Input form. . From the _Existing_Employees_Override Form , select POV. Right Click on editable cell of the employee to be removed to open Menu Select SmartView option. Select Copy Existing Employee. Select the TARGET where the data shall be copied (in the example above, select “One- Time” Type. Click OK.
Copying Employee Data Contd…
After the copy function completes, Planners may make changes to the employee. Following the example, In order to add the stipend, the first step is to change the POV to type “One-Time”. The employee now shows up and planners may enter stipend, start and end date.
Hands-on Open the
Update End date of an existing employee to April 30th 2018 Ensure to enter YES in the Override column Ensure you click submit to save changes Review forecast for new employee in the _Variance Report Detail by Employee and validate that the employee is no longer in the report. In the _Existing_Employees_Override add a Stipend Start date and enter a stipend amount.
Adjusting Labour Hours
Once all master data has been adjusted, planners may validate the individualized forecast using the Labour hours input. If necessary, planners may adjust hours forecast by employee. From the Labour Hours Input Form Select POV. Refresh Enter the amount of hours per period in the editable cells. Note that the FISCAL YEAR is at the POV, Planners can change the hours for every open fiscal year by selecting the appropriate year in the POV, and refreshing the form. Submit Navigation: _Labour_Hours_Input
Entering Hedge at an Account Level
Planners may add a forecast at an account level. We call these adjustments HEDGE. From the Hedge Salaries Input form Select POV and Refresh. Enter Hedge at month or year level. Submit Navigation: _Hedge_Salaries_Input
Un-Suppress Labour Account for Hedge
Planners may un-suppress an account in order to enter a hedge adjustment. Start in the Hedge Salaries Input form. Right Click on any editable cell to open Menu Select SmartView option Select Un-Suppress Labour Account for Hedge. Select Account to Un-suppress from the list. Click OK Account will appear on the form.
How Does Workflow work? After Planners are done with their changes, they submit the 8 Month Review and Budget to the Envelope Manager for approval. Envelope managers have the option to approve and submit to Budgeting Services. Or reject changes and send back to the planner for modifications.
How to Submit 8 Month Review for Approval
On the Planning menu, click on Approvals Select a view from the drop down menu and click Refresh Highlight a Planning Unit to promote where you are the Current Owner, and click on Change Status. In Approvals window, select Action from the drop down box, and Submit Refresh the screen to view the current owner (you may need to use Tree View).
Key Reports McM_Plan>Forms > 5. REPORTS > 5.3 All Funds
J. 8 Month and Budget Review Report K. 8. Month and Budget Review Report on Department L. 8 Month and Budget Review Report on Program McM_Plan>Forms > 5. REPORTS > 5.4 Statement of Operations AA. Current Year Actuals AB. Variances
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