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World War II.

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1 World War II

2 WWII Agressors Italy: Fascists- led by Mussolini
Germany: Nazis- led by Hitler Japan: militarist- led by Hirohito Spain: socialist- led by Fransisco Franco

3 Attempts at Peace US follows isolationist policy
Germany expands the 3rd Reich Hitler continues to march into countries and annex them. Appeasement: Munich Conference, Sept. 29th 1938 Decide to give Hitler the Sudetenland Hitler promises to respect Czechoslovakia’s borders 6 months later, Hitler annexes Czechoslovakia

4 Good Neighbor policy Lend Lease Act- DKMAH pg. 360 Appeasement- Churchill Quote The Americans pg. 538 FDR Quarantine Speech

5 Non Aggression Nonaggression pact signed by the Nazis (Germans) and the Soviets (Russians) Stalin and Hitler agreed never to attack one another Italy, Germany, and Japan- the Axis powers

6 The European Campaign Soviet troops occupy the eastern half of Poland
Fall of France Dunkirk Battle of Britain Hitler invades Russia Mussolini in Ethiopia US undeclared naval war with Germany

7 The Eastern Front Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Battle of Midway
Battle of Guadalcanal- 43:28 WWII HD Episode 1 Battle of Iwo Jima

8 Allied Victory North African Campaign Battle of Stalingrad
Invasion of Italy D-day invasion Deception: Battle of the Bulge Hiroshima and Nagasaki

9 WWII Ends Germany has unconditional surrender
Japan surrenders and is then occupied by the US Nuremburg trials held those responsible for the Holocaust accountable for their crimes Famine and disease spread throughout Europe b/c transportation system was destroyed by European battles


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