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Effect, Cause, Use source to explain why

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1 Effect, Cause, Use source to explain why
Germany PAPER ONE Effect, Cause, Use source to explain why

2 Overview revision: Identify 5 phases of German history 1919-45
(first test yourself – using next slide as a prompt)


4 Some extra help (but in which order?)
Golden years (stabilisation and recovery) The Nazi State (dictatorship) Crisis years (defeat and revolution) Death of Weimar (economic chaos and political polarisation) The Nazi State at War (victory to defeat)

5 Overview revision: Identify the 5 phases of German history 1919-45
(first test yourself – using next slide as a prompt) Crisis years (defeat and revolution) Golden years (stabilisation and recovery) Death of Weimar (economic chaos and political polarisation) The Nazi State (dictatorship) The Nazi State at War (victory to defeat)

6 Now add the following events to your phases:
Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates Munich Putsch Treaty of Versailles signed Ruhr invaded by France Leaders of Spartacists executed Hyperinflation Great Depression Nazis have 2.8% of the vote Hindenburg dies Germany joins League of Nations Hitler imprisoned Nazis are largest party in Reichstag Enabling Act Dawes and Young Plans Night of the Long Knives Kristallnacht Kapp Putsch Goebbels calls for ‘total war’ Hitler Youth made compulsory Concordat

7 Time to be an examiner! Please mark the following
One effect of the Great Depression on Germany was Hitler. He became really powerful and the people of Germany wanted him to be their leader – they thought he would save them. Times in Germany were really bad, hyperinflation meant everyone lost their savings and no-one had any money so they looked to Hitler to save them. As a result he became a dictator. One effect of the Great Depression was that 6 million people were unemployed by This was because German industry depended on $9bn worth of short term loans from the US as a result of the Dawes and Young Plan so Germany suffered terribly when the Wall Street Crash hit Germany. As a result, there was political polarisation and the Nazis and the KPD both increased their seats in the Reichstag. Marking criteria: Explain one effect of event on X (4 marks) Level 1: Simple explanation of consequence Needs facts and to show understanding of time period to reach Level 2 1-2 Level 2: Explanation of consequence Shows understanding of time period using specific facts. 3-4

8 Time to be an examiner! Please mark the following
One reason why Hitler became dictator in 1934 is because he was able to persuade the Catholic Centre Party to vote for the Enabling Act in March This was important because it gave Hitler the power to use Article 48 which meant he could rule without consulting the Reichstag. This meant he could pass laws which would get rid of any opposition to his rule. For example in July 1933 no more political parties were allowed to exist in Germany. A second reason why Hitler became dictator was because he got rid of all opposition to his ambition to be a dictator. For example the only political party allowed after July 1933 were the Nazis The link is that Hitler used the Enabling Law to make himself dictator. Marking criteria: Explaining why there was a situation, event, outcome (8 marks) Level 1: Simple explanation of causation Needs facts and to show understanding of time period to reach Level 2 1-2 Level 2: Explanation of causation Gives one cause showing understanding of time period (3-4 marks) Gives two or more causes showing understanding (4-5 marks). 3, 4, 5 Level 3: Explains fully how a cause led to an outcome using precise facts One cause fully explained (6 marks) Two or more causes fully explained (7 marks) Answers which show how causes combine to create outcome (8 marks) 6, 7, 8

9 Why did Hitler become a dictator in 1934?
Why Hitler dictator? Political scheming Nazi strengths Effects of the Great Depression This was important because: Can you see any links between reasons? Draw these on Factual example is: Factual example is: Factual example is: This was important because: This was important because:

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