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Nationalism and the Unification of Germany

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1 Nationalism and the Unification of Germany

2 Nationalism Defined Nationalism: the idea that one person’s own country is superior to all others; being proud and devoted to your country.

3 Components of Nationalism
A state of mind (nation first) Loyalty to a country Justifies why a country gets to have more power Individual life depends on fate of the nation Demands respect from the world

4 What builds Nationalism?
History Territory Language Religion Culture

5 German Unification Germany is an example of unifying and dividing nationalism.

6 Nationalism Origins in Germany
Napoleon conquered the German states during his rein. The people of the 39 German states liked being unified—this led to a great deal of nationalism and desire to form a country. The states did not stay unified because the 39 rulers of German states decided they would like to continue to be kings instead of forming a larger country. The states all spoke German.

7 Tying the Country Together
Zollverein=Economic Cooperation

8 German Nationalism Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia hires Otto von Bismark as Prime Minister

9 Realpolitik: do what’s best for Prussia
Otto von Bismark Realpolitik: do what’s best for Prussia The “Iron Chancellor” “Blood & Iron”

10 Otto von Bismark The less people know about how sausages and laws are made, the better they’ll sleep at night. Never believe in anything until it has been officially denied. The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and majority decisions—that was the mistake of previous leaders—but by blood and iron.


12 Step #1: The Danish War [1864]
Main Idea: Take control of the Northern States by Prussia.

13 Step #2: Austro-Prussian War [Seven Weeks’ War], 1866
Austria Germany defeats Austria: forms the North German Confederation. The southern states near Germany still refused to join after just one victory.

14 Step #3: Franco-Prussian War
Prussia invades France to get support of Southern German States Southern States join Prussia to defeat France German soldiers “abusing” the French.

15 Franco-Prussian War Germany Wins!
Germany gained control of two important territories: Alsace and Loraine (land rich in iron and coal  needed materials for industrialization) France had to pay Germany large amounts of money (Germany kept soldiers in France until money was paid)

16 Germany Unified The German Empire Also Known as: The German Reich

17 Kaiser Wilhelm I Germany unified under Wilhelm, who is given the title of Kaiser (means emperor)

18 Bismarck Limits the Catholic Church Bismarck & Pope Leo XIII
Bismarck believed the Church was a threat to Germany. Took away Church’s power in Education Government Bismarck & Pope Leo XIII

19 German Economic Growth
Bismarck passed laws that provided people with health benefits, accidents, and disability protection when working as well.

20 Secret Treaties Germany, afraid of France taking revenge for the recent war, begins making secret treaties with: Austria-Hungary Italy Russia These nations agreed to help each other in case of attack The treaties were kept secret!

21 Why is Nationalism Important?
Inspired people with pride in their past and made them desire more for their future. United people together Shared goals  people work together Equality among people (same rights) Encourages nations to learn about the uniqueness of others (what are they so proud about?) Competition among nations (prove that “we” are the best)

22 Otto von Bismark I am bored. The great things are done. The German Reich is made. Some damned foolish thing in the Balkans will provoke the next war. A generation that has taken a beating is always followed by a generation that deals one.

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