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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
Unit 3a Review The American Revolution

2 Question 1 Conflict between France and Great Britain where both sides allied with several Native American Tribes. The French & Indian War

3 Question 2 This law forbade English colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. Proclamation of 1763

4 Question 3 The method by which Great Britain planned to pay off its debt from the war with France. TAXES

5 Question 4 Law that placed taxes sugar and molasses. Sugar Act

6 Question 5 Document, created by King George III, which awarded all land west of the Appalachian Mtns. to Native American; angered GA colonists Proclamation of 1763

7 Question 6 Law that placed taxes on all paper goods, playing cards and dice. Stamp Act

8 Question 7 Law that placed taxes on paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. Townshend Act

9 Question 8 This event began as a snowball fight and resulted in the death of 5 colonists. The Boston Massacre

10 Question 9 Who created the engraving of the Boston Massacre as a form of propaganda against the British? Paul Revere

11 Question 10 This protest resulted in the destruction of over $4 million of British goods. The Boston Tea Party

12 Question 11 The name for the set of four laws created to punish the Massachusetts colony for the Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts

13 Question 12 What are the set of four laws created to punish the Massachusetts colony for the Boston Tea Party. Boston Port Bill, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act

14 Question 13 Which law required colonists to provide food & shelter to British soldiers (part of the Intolerable Acts). The Quartering Act

15 Question 14 Document that stated the colonies were free of British control. The Declaration of Independence

16 Question 15 The primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson

17 Question 16 Georgia’s 3 signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall & George Walton

18 Question 17 Three unalienable rights listed in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence. LIFE, LIBERTY & THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS

19 Question 18 Female Georgia patriot who captured and killed a group of Tories (Georgians loyal to Britain) during the Revolution. Nancy Hart

20 Question 19 African American soldier wounded in the Battle of Kettle Creek; responsible for saving Elijah Clarke. Austin Dabney

21 Question 20 A unit of citizen soldiers. Militia

22 Question 21 Led Georgia’s militia to victory over 800 British soldiers. Colonel Elijah Clarke

23 Question 22 Colonists who disagreed with England’s tax policies, and wanted to fight for independence. Patriots Whigs, Sons/Daughters of Liberty, Liberty Boys

24 Question 23 Colonists who favored remaining under British control.
Loyalists Tories, Kings’ Friends, Lobsterbacks

25 Question 24 American Revolution battle in GA; first colonial victory for Georgia as the militia were able to defeat and gain supplies from the British. Battle of Kettle Creek

26 Question 25 American Revolution battle in GA; loss for Georgia as the militia and continental army failed to retake GA’s capital city from British control. Siege of Savannah

27 Question 26 The name for the national government during the Revolution. Continental Congress

28 Question 27 The commander of the Colonial Army during the Revolution.
George Washington

29 Question 28 In what year did Georgia adopt its first state Constitution? 1777

30 Question 29 How were governors selected under the first state Constitution? By the Legislature

31 Question 30 What was the first constitution of the United States called? The Articles of Confederation

32 Question 31 Which two branches of government were not created through the first constitution of the United States? Executive & Judicial

33 Question 32 Why were government leaders hesitant to change the Articles of Confederation? They were afraid people would panic They did not have the support to make changes They believed it was too soon to make changes They were afraid foreign countries would view changes as a weakness

34 Short Answer Question Topics
Be able to answer and provide 3 reasons to support your claim to the following: “Were the colonists justified in declaring war on Great Britain”?

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