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Socialism in the late 19th Century

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1 Socialism in the late 19th Century

2 Changes in Industry Industrialization diminished the need for skilled artisans Resulting in an increase in the urban proletariat

3 Trade Unions Workers turn to trade unions
Governments begin to extend legal protections Memberships increase 3 million for Britain 2 million for Germany 1 million for France Provides workers with collective bargaining

4 SUFFRAGE!!!!!! Only men  By 1912 all major European states had universal MALE suffrage Except Russia ( of course) Britain 1867 and 1884 (2nd and 3rd Reform Acts) Bismarck 1871 Switzerland 1879 Spain 1890 Belgium 1893

5 Results of New Franchise
The common man can not be ignored Workers have a voice to air their grievances Emergence of large and well-organized political parties that try to educate and influence this new electoral group.

6 Socialism redefined Most socialist are against nationalism
Major questions arise- will the aims be achieved by revolution or by democracy? This question will lead to the split in the Socialist party.

7 Karl Marx and the First International
1864- French and British trade unions founded the International Working Men’s Association Included socialist, anarchists, Polish nationals, and other radicals Marx was the lead figure Provided a forum for socialist discussion Gathered statistics Concluded that Marx view of revolution was the right one.

8 Great Britain and the Fabians
Trade unions ally with the liberals Socialism makes little inroads in Parliament Creation of the Labour Party Fabian Society founded in 1884 Major socialist party Named for Fabius Maximus Not radical/ democracy not revolution The government was slow to respond to their demands

9 Fabian’s achievements
National Insurance Act of 1911 Unemployment benefits and health care Again, the expanded role of government

10 France and “Opportunism”
French socialism not unified Jean Jaures and Jules Guesde are the leaders of the two factions of the party Jaures- work with the radical middle class Guesde- never work with the bourgeois As a result of the Dreyfus Affair the appointment of Alexander Millerand

11 2nd International 1889 Tried to unify the various socialist groups
Socialist groups began working together Jaures assassinated Socialist groups split George Sorel writes Reflections on Violence encouraging strikes

12 Germany- Social Democrates
German Social Democratic Party or SPD Kept Marxism alive during the late 19th century SPD founded by LaSalle Group divided over reform vs violence

13 Bismarck and the Repression of the SPD
Bismarck uses an attempted assignation of William II to pass anti- socialists laws Suppress meetings and publications SPD still grows

14 Social Welfare Program
Bismarck implemented a social welfare program Health and accident insurance/ pension and social security 1st industrial nation to have a welfare program Undercut the socialist program A brilliant move WILLIAM FORCES BISMARK TO RESIGN!!!!!!!!

15 Erfurt Program Bismarck resigns Socialist develop the Erfurt program
Authored by Bebel and Kautsky Take control of the means of production through political process NOT revolution

16 Revisionism Eduard Bernstein
British writer that questioned Marx’s pessimistic attitude toward capitalism Wrote Evolutionary Socialism Believed in extending suffrage to working class –result in legal changes not revolution SPD for the most part followed Bernstein’s plan

17 Russia and the Birth of Bolshevism
Witte’s program for industrialization Both Alexander III and Nicholas I wanted to industrialize Russia Count Sergei Witte was appointed financial minister Planned economic development that had protective tariffs and high taxes Wanted to modernize Russia ( so “Peter” of him) favored heavy industry- railroads, coal, iron, textiles

18 Industrialization Brings Discontent
By 1900 there are 3 million factory workers that lived in horrid conditions Discontent in the countryside as well. Things had not gone well since the emancipation of the serfs Many were forced to work on kulacks

19 Population Increases Bring More Problems
Between population increases from 50 million to 103 million Major strain on the food supply

20 New Parties Form Social Revolutionary Party 1901
Opposed industrialization Wanted communal/ rural living for Russia ( how “Rousseau” of them) Constitutional Democratic Party or Cades 1903 Liberal- drew members from the zemstvos Wanted constitutional monarchy modeled on western Europe

21 Rise of Lenin Gregory Plekhanov Leading Russian Socialist
Exiled to Switzerland Influenced Lenin

22 Lenin, AKA Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Son of a high bureaucrat Brother executed Studied law Drawn to revolutionary ideas and groups Exiled to Siberia Moved to Switzerland Follower of Marx with reservations Believed Marx was flawed on his view of the role of the proletariat

23 What Is To Be Done? Book written by Lenin
Need professional revolutionaries Only a small elite party could pull off this revolution Revolution will NOT be spontaneous but must be planned , carried out and then forced on the people

24 Lenin and the Russian Social Democratic Party
London Congress Socialist divided Bolsheviks ( majority yet minority) Lenin Revolutionary Small radical leadership

25 Mensheviks Word means minority but was the majority
Believed in change through the political process Believed in Marx’s view about the role of the proletariat

26 Two Tactics of Social Democracy
Written by Lenin Believed that the revolution would occur by uniting the proletariat with the peasants Sidesteps Marx’s dialectic materialism model of the necessity of a large proletariat

27 Revolution of 1905 Tsar enters Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday- Father Gapon October Manifesto Constitutional monarchy Created a duma Radicals elected- Nicholas dissolves P.A. Stolypin replaces Witte Made changes- suppresses radicals at the same time grants privileges to peasants Stolypin assassinated in 1911

28 New Duma Mostly liberal moderates
On to the stage comes Rasputin….. A story for another day

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