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EE521 Analog and Digital Communications

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1 EE521 Analog and Digital Communications
James K. Beard, Ph. D. Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11/14/2018 Week 1

2 Essentials Text: Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications, Second Edition
Prerequisites Consent of Instructor (Dr. Silage) SystemView (CD-ROM with text) Office E&A 709 Hours TBA, Tuesday afternoons planned 11/14/2018 Week 1

3 Today’s Topics Course overview Baseband signals and modulation
Introduction to SystemView Feedback What is your background? What do you expect from EE320? Discussion (as time permits) 11/14/2018 Week 1

4 ECE Department’s Thumbnail
EE521 Digital Communications Prerequisite: Instructor's Permission (Dr. Silage) Modulation Coherent detection Signal-to-noise ratio Probability of bit and symbol error Modulations – PSK, FSK, ASK, QAM, M-ary FSK, M-ary PSK Was EE400 11/14/2018 Week 1

5 Course Summary Fourteen weeks of classes
Two in-progress exams, one final exam In-progress on 5th and 12th weeks, 20% of grade each Final on fifteenth week, 20% of grade Individually assigned project Assigned in fifth week Execute your project in SystemView 40% of grade Deductions from final grade 0.5% for each unexcused absence 1% for each missed 10 minute Pop Quiz response 11/14/2018 Week 1

6 Two Semesters in the Plan
EE521 is coordinated with a second course next semester EE521 covers approximately half of the text The follow-on covers the second half of the text Course number TBA 11/14/2018 Week 1

7 Topics (1 of 3) Formatting and baseband modulation
Encoding digital, text and analog data Sources of corruption: noise, channel issues Pulse code modulation Uniform and non-uniform quantization levels Baseband modulation Baseband modulation and detection Digital signals in noise Detection of encoded data from digital signals 11/14/2018 Week 1

8 Topics (2 of 3) Bandpass modulation and demodulation Channel coding
Rationale – advantages and disadvantages Modulation and detection of digital signals Coherent and non-coherent detection Error performance for M-ary encoding Channel coding Waveform coding and error control Sequences and error detection and correction Block codes 11/14/2018 Week 1

9 Topics (3 of 3) Modulation and coding trade space
Goals and requirements Sampling and aliasing Channel capacity Designs for maximum data rate and minimum errors 11/14/2018 Week 1

10 Next Semester Communication link analysis Channel coding
Synchronization Multiplexing and multiple access Encryption Channel issues Supplementary topics 11/14/2018 Week 1

11 Essential Technologies
Analog and digital signal processing Real and complex signals Vector representation of phase Sampling capabilities and limitations Probability and Statistics Behavior of noise in linear systems Effect of noise on decoding operations Coding, modulation, and demodulation 11/14/2018 Week 1

12 History 1864 – Maxwell predicted radio waves
1887 – Hertz demonstrated radio waves 1897 – Lodge demonstrated wireless communications 1901 – Marconi demonstrated transatlantic communications 1903 – DeForest demonstrated first vacuum tube amplifier 1906 – Fessenden started first AM radio station 1927 – First TV broadcasts 1947 – Microwave relay from Boston to NYC 1947 – Bell Labs announced the transistor 1955 – TI announced production silicon transistors 1958 – First satellite voice channel 1981 – First cell phone system, in Scandinavia 1988 – First digital cell phone system in Europe 11/14/2018 Week 1

13 Formatting and Baseband Modulation
Topics from Text Chapter 2 2.1, Baseband signals 2.3, Messages, characters and symbols 2.4, Formatting analog information Baseband signals Messages, characters, and symbols Formatting data 11/14/2018 Week 1

14 Sklar Chapter 2 11/14/2018 Week 1

15 Baseband Signals Definition: Data source, the signal to be presented to data sink at receiver end Principal types Digital Text or data Analog 11/14/2018 Week 1

16 Message, Characters and Symbols
Definitions Message – the data to be presented to the data sink or used to generate analog output at the receiver Character – base message unit, such as a letter of the alphabet or an 8 or 16 bit word produced by an ADC Symbol – a grouping of bits for encoding Characters and symbols are often different sizes 11/14/2018 Week 1

17 Formatting Analog Information
Operations are Sampling – uniformly spaced captures of a waveform Digitization – reduction of a data sample to a set of discrete levels Limitations include Aliasing; the digitized forms of two signal differing from one another by the sample rate are identical Quantization; may be uniform or non-uniform, and presents a noise floor Clipping; there is a maximum value that may be represented 11/14/2018 Week 1

18 Sampling Can be characterized as An ADC operates on the held signal
Switch a waveform into a follower At the sample time Switch a holding capacitor into the holding circuit Switch off the waveform input The follower becomes an integrator with no input and holds the signal An ADC operates on the held signal Sampling is an analog operation and has a frequency response 11/14/2018 Week 1

19 Aliasing Definition: A tone signal with a frequency higher than the sample rate will produce a data format identical to that of a tone with a frequency lower than sample frequency The difference between the two frequencies is an integer multiple of the sample frequency Usual ambiguity range is from minus half the sample frequency to plus half the sample frequency 11/14/2018 Week 1

20 Issues With Sampling Signal center frequency is often much larger than the bandwidth Two techniques are used to keep data rate to twice the signal bandwidth Quadrature demodulation, the use of two LO’s in quadrature with two mixers to produce two baseband signals in quadrature Digital quadrature demodulation, undersampling at IF followed by digital quadrature demodulation 11/14/2018 Week 1

21 Real vs. Complex Sampling
For real sampling at frequency fs > 2.B The ambiguity range is 0 to fs Negative frequencies are ambiguous with positive frequencies For quadrature demodulation and output samples at frequency fqs > B The ambiguity range is –fqs/2 to +fqs/2 Positive and negative frequencies are unambiguous 11/14/2018 Week 1

22 Digital Quadrature Demodulation
Undersample Signal at frequency f0 with bandwidth B Sample at rate fqs Result Signal aliases to plus or minus half the sample rate FIR filter and decimate to produce the final result Signal is then ready for FFT or other processing 11/14/2018 Week 1

23 Digitization Levels Uniform and non-uniform commonly used
Uniform sampling levels – used for high quality systems Requires more bits, typically 10 to 16 bits Music Radar and sonar Non-uniform sampling levels – used where bandwidth drives the channel utility Cell phones Some desk phones and VOIP Typically 8 bits 11/14/2018 Week 1

24 Effects Both types have a “hard” ceiling
Extra ADC circuitry offers hard limiting in place of end-around overflow Noise floor is different Uniform levels – usually characterized as an additive noise with an RMS value of 1/12 the LSB (see next slide for real-world considerations) Nonuniform levels – COMDAC levels or fine at low amplitudes, coarse at high levels Quantization noise floor higher for large signals 11/14/2018 Week 1

25 Real-World Sampling and ADC
Sampling is The last mixer in the receiver chain Produces signal at baseband from signal at IF Sample clock phase noise is part of the signal chain error sources Dynamic range Dynamic range is less than theoretical with nearly all ADCs Effective number of bits (ENOB) and SNR are two synonymous ways of specifying ADC dynamic range ENOB is typically 1.5 bits less than the word length of an ADC Spurious spectral lines Sample aperture time and duration jitter can cause low level tonal components in ADC output Can come from inside the ADC chip or from the sample clock Some resulting spurious lines are signal-dependent 11/14/2018 Week 1

26 Trades in Quadrature Demodulation
Trades for analog quadrature demodulator Matching of channels for in-phase and quadrature channels limits negative frequency discrimination Negative frequency ghosting typical 40 dB to 60 dB Traces for digital quadrature demodulator Ghosting is determined by sampling and FIR filtering/decimation scheme 11/14/2018 Week 1

27 Why Digital Quadrature Demodulation
Advantages Only one ADC, no multiplexing or matching Performance is determined by Antialiasing filtering prior to ADC Specifications of FIR decimation filters Disadvantages Sampling is done at IF Jitter and aperture time specs are tougher Exchanged difficulties – from analog channel matching to problems in sampling at IF 11/14/2018 Week 1

28 SystemView Overview Simulations of digital signal processing operations Analog, through oversampling and emulation of analog operations Digital, through direct emulation Analysis Bode plots, root locus, other Visualization Time domain plots Virtual spectrum analyzer 11/14/2018 Week 1

29 Why SystemView Dual-gate MOSFET RF converter, 144 MHz to 10 MHz. Uses the RCA 3N140 for its overload and mixing capabilities. Circa 1968. 11/14/2018 Week 1

30 11/14/2018 Week 1

31 Summary Course overview: we will learn how to implement critical technologies for digital communications Course is integrated with a follow-on next semester Baseband signals are where we do modulation == formatting for the channel SystemView lets us have most of the benefits of a lab with minimum time 11/14/2018 Week 1

32 Feedback Around the room Please let me know What your background is
Design SystemView Communications What you expect from this course 11/14/2018 Week 1

33 Text and Assignment Text Assignment: Read Text
Benard Sklar, Digital Communicatinons ISBN SystemView User's Manual, Elanix, Inc Assignment: Read Text Chapter 2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 Load SystemView and examine the samples and demos Browse appendices of text for review and supplementary material Look at TUARC K3TU, websites 11/14/2018 Week 1

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