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Polis, 800’s-300’s BC, Greece.

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1 Polis, 800’s-300’s BC, Greece

2 Oracle, 800’s-300’s BC, Delphi, Greece

3 Phalanx, 800’s-300’s BC, Greece

4 Delian League, 478-404 BC, Greece

5 Persepolis, 550-330 BC, Persian Empire (Iran)

6 Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BC, Greece

7 Philip II, 382-336 BC, Macedonia

8 Xerxes, 519-465 BC, Persian Empire

9 Alexandria, 320’s BC-?, Egypt, etc.

10 Sophists, 5th century BC, Athens, Greece

11 Liu Bang, BC, China

12 Gentry, Confucian-era China

13 Edict of Milan, 313 CE, Roman Empire

14 Chang’an, 200BC-Present (Xi’an)

15 Constantinople, 330-1453 CE, Turkey

16 Silk Roads, 200’s-1453CE, Asia

17 Punic Wars, 264-146 BC, Mediterranean

18 Hadrian’s Wall, 122-128 CE, England

19 Augustus, 27BC-14CE, Rome

20 Patricians, 500’sBC-500’sCE, Rome

21 Monsoons, Indian Ocean

22 Nirvana, 500’sBC - Present, India (origins)

23 Vedas, 1500’s-500’s BC, India

24 Caste system, 1500’sBC - Present, India

25 Siddhartha Gautama, 563-483 BC, India

26 Funan, CE, SE Asia

27 Ashoka, BC, India

28 Chandra Gupta, 320-330 CE, India

29 Sati, 1500s BC – 19th century CE, India

30 Jainism, 600’s BC - Present, India

31 Parthians, 247 BC – 224 CE, Iran

32 Zhang Jian, 200-114 BC, Han China

33 Sassanid Empire, 226-651 CE, Middle East

34 Stirrup, 100s BC - Present, Central Asia

35 Steppes, Central Asia

36 Great Traditions, 2000’sBCE-Present, Sub-Saharan Africa
Great Traditions – typically include a written language, common legal & belief systems, ethical codes, and other intellectual attitudes (loom large in written records) Historians' term for a literate, well-institutionalized complex of religious and social beliefs and practices adhered to by diverse societies over a broad geographical area.

37 Bantu, 2000’sBCE-Present, Sub-Saharan Africa

38 Ethiopia, 800’s-300’s BC, NE Africa

39 Small Traditions, 2000’sBCE-Present, Sub-Saharan Africa
Small Traditions – comprised of the diversity of local customs and beliefs “By the year 1 C.E. sub-Saharan Africa had become a distinct cultural region, though not shaped by imperial conquest or characterized by a shared elite culture, a “great tradition.” The cultural unity of sub-Saharan Africa rested on similar characteristics shared to varying degrees by many popular cultures, or “small traditions.” (Bulliet, 215)

40 Theravada (Buddhism), c.250BCE-Present, East Asia

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