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Form AD/AL and LN AD/AL/LN This guide captures…

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Presentation on theme: "Form AD/AL and LN AD/AL/LN This guide captures…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Form AD/AL and LN AD/AL/LN This guide captures…
The AD form collects data on deposits and repos The AL form collects data on loans, reverse repos and facilities The LN form collects data on gross lending and repayments to non-financial businesses by industry but also by size of company Analysis of deposits from UK residents Analysis of lending to UK residents Lending to UK businesses AD/AL/LN Look out for this icon throughout the presentation for extra information Navigate through the presentation using the icons in the bottom-right corner Click on to take you back to the contents Part of Industrial analysis of lending and deposits from Bank of England’s Core Statistical Returns

2 Contents Family of Stats returns Overview – AD/AL Overview – LN
Form content: AD/AL Form content: LN Form content: Facilities Form Purpose   How are the data used Form Reconciliations Common Classification and Reporting Issues Timetable Resources FAQs New and Upcoming Contact details

3 Family of Bank of England Core Statistical Returns

4 Overview – Forms AD/AL UK £ Loans or deposits >£1bn
11 working days after month end 16 working days after month end Money and Credit release, Bankstats, more detailed analysis for monetary policy and financial stability Overview – Forms AD/AL Reporting panel Reporting deadline Data finalised for publication Main uses

5 Discretional to capture 75% of the stock of private non-financial corporation (PNFC) lending
13 working days after month end 17 working days after month end Money and Credit release, Bankstats, more detailed analysis for monetary policy and financial stability Overview – Form LN Reporting panel Reporting deadline Data finalised for publication Main uses

6 Form Content: AD/AL Both forms include data on UK residents only
Includes both the public and private sectors The firms are broken down by industry Classification of Accounts Guide (parts A to U) ONS Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Guide (sections A to U)

7 Form Content: LN UK resident – private and public
Detailed industry level split by size (Large and Small & Medium Enterprises) detail Classification of Accounts Guide (parts A to U) Balances of overdrafts drawn

8 Form Content: Facilities
Every loan is covered by a facility If a counterparty breaches their overdraft limit this is still recorded as a facility, even if prior permission was not given If there is a stark contrast between the loans and facilities lines, this could be that loans and facilities are moving in different directions by a large amount or it could be that facilities have increased sharply but loans are relatively unchanged. In such cases, please provide details as to why a firm has taken out a facility but has not yet drawn down on it.

9 Form purpose: AD/AL/LN
These forms offer an industrial split of lending and deposits Form AD collects data on deposits and repos Form AL collects data on loans, reverse repos and facilities Form LN collects data on gross lending and repayments to non-financial businesses by industry but also by size of company Form purpose: AD/AL/LN

10 Monetary policy e.g. creating the Bank’s preferred M4ex measure
Removes intermediate other financial corporations (OFCs) from the overall M4 measure Financial stability e.g. studying the effects of real estate lending on the economy Link to explanatory notes: How are the data used

11 AD/AL, BE and BT form reconciliations
AD/AL categories Non-financial corporations (1-14) Other financial corporations (15-17) Individuals (18) Other financial corporations (1) X Private non-financial corporations (2) Individuals (3a) Unincorporated businesses (3b) Non-profit institutions serving households (4) Public Sector BE categories BT

12 Classification / reporting issues
Public sector business should be reported according to the activity e.g. Transport for London should be reported in Transport and Storage Financial subsidiaries If a financial subsidiary’s sole function is to raise money for a parent company, it should be classified under the same activity as its owner e.g. Shell Finance should be reported in Mining & Quarrying (3) Property If the loan is to an individual this should be recorded in lending to individuals (18) Only loans to businesses are recorded in categories Real estate companies will be recorded in either items 10A or 10B

13 Bankstats, Money and Credit release
Timetable: Reporting deadlines for monthly forms Bankstats, Money and Credit release PB Public Sector embargo BT BN GT Embargo (For reporters submitting a BT later than +9) (For PB reporters) Working days in the month 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BT BE AD AL IS IC IO ER LN VP WO

14 Further Resources Classification of accounts guide
Parts A to U for reporting institutions Parts I, II and IV.3 for those classifying a counterparty for the first time ONS SIC guide (sections A to U) Form definitions

15 Frequently Asked Questions
In the first instance refer to the Classification of Accounts Guide (CAG) and the ONS SIC guide. If your query still stands feel free to contact the Industrial team using the contact details at the end of this presentation Frequently Asked Questions I have a query about the classification of a counterparty, how should I address this?

16 Frequently Asked Questions
For forms AD, AL and LN we focus on the industry as opposed to the sector. Therefore we would expect classifications to be made based on the primary activity of the counterparty. Frequently Asked Questions I have a counterparty that is public sector, how should I approach classification?

17 Inclusion of an ‘of which holding companies’ requirement
Inclusion of additional industries splits within 15 ‘financial intermediation’ and 17 ‘activities related to financial intermediation’ Removal of the ‘on behalf of’ component of ‘fund management activities’ on form AD Deposits to include a breakdown by sight deposits and time deposits on form AD Loans and advances to include and breakdown of ‘up to and including 12 months’ and ‘over 12 months’ maturity on form AL Details can be found in Statistical Notice 2018/02 New and Upcoming Changes to forms AD and AL for January 2019 data reporting

18 Contacts

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