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Section 4: Reconstruction collapses

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1 Section 4: Reconstruction collapses
Chapter 12 Section 4: Reconstruction collapses

2 The Grant Administration
Democrats had been regaining political control Many (most?) Southerners viewed Republican leaders as Union control of the South Grant had won the presidential election in 1868 to become the 18th president Was the famous war hero NOT a politician Thinks the president is to carry out policy, not to make it.

3 The Republican Party is divided…
Republicans still control Congress Expanded many programs began as emergency measures during the Civil War Tariffs “sin taxes” Became political targets for Democrats, who claimed that such policies were making the rich (Northerners) even more wealthy at the expense of the poor (South)

4 The Republican Part is divided…
Liberal Republicans side with the Democrats on these issues Think President Grant is too influenced by the wealthy Wanted to keep Grant from being nominated for re-election Nominated Horace Greeley as their candidate in 1872.

5 Scandals in Grant’s Second Term
Grant’s secretary of war, William Belknap, had been taking bribes. Would have been impeached, but resigned first Then the “Whiskey Ring” scandal broke Involved government officials and distillers who had filed false tax returns Grant’s private secretary was implicated, although he was never officially charged


7 Panic of 1873 Caused by the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke & Company
Bad investments in railroads Small banks closed Stock market fell Tens of thousands out of work Economic recession Political impact: hurts the Republicans in the 1874 midterm elections; Democrats win back control of the House of Representatives Began investigating the scandals, which further hurts Grant’s administration and his party.

8 Reconstruction Ends Political gains by Democrats make it very difficult for the Republicans to enforce Reconstruction policies The North had moved on and no longer had the desire to punish the South; more worried about economic issues of their own The South is “redeemed” by Democrats from Republican rule Intimidation of Republican voters & African Americans Voter fraud such as stuffing ballot boxes

9 “Redeeming” the South Present political issues in racial terms
Urge whites to end Republican (read: African American) control in the South Regain the support of poor white farmers By 1876, the Democrats had regained the majority in state legislatures in most of the Southern states The ones that still had Republican majorities still had Union troops in place to protect African Americans’ voting rights (SC, LA, FL)

10 Hayes v. Tilden 1876 is an election year
Republicans view Grant as too damaged to nominate him for a third term Nominate Rutherford B. Hayes, former governor of Ohio Democrats nominate Samuel Tilden, former governor of New York

11 Election of 1876 Tilden won 184 electoral votes Hayes won 165
20 were at stake because there was so much voter fraud in some states, it was impossible to say who really won ( Louisiana, South Carolina & Florida) Congress set up a special committee to decide what to do about these 20 disputed electoral votes Had 15 members House, Senate & Supreme Court Both Republicans (8) and Democrats (7) Voted along party lines to give the election to Hayes Committee’s recommendation was not binding if not approved by both the House & Senate Some Southern Democrats sided with the Republicans to give the election to Hayes. Why would they do this? Must be a “corrupt bargain”

12 Compromise of 1877 Did Republicans cut a deal with Democrats in the House to let Hayes become president? What would they want in return? End of federal troops in the South Basically means the end of Reconstruction Historians can’t really prove or disprove a “corrupt bargain” Hayes did become president, troops were removed Remaining Republican-controlled state legislatures soon collapsed

13 The “New South” Phrase coined by Henry Grady, editor of the Atlanta Constitution newspaper Recognition that the South can’t return to an agriculturally based economy Will need to develop industry and improve transportation By 1890, 40,000 miles of railroad tracks Iron and steel industry (Birmingham) Cotton mills and tobacco processing

14 Sharecropping Farming not completely replaced
New systems developed: tenant farming & sharecropping Tenant farming—many former slaves rent the land from their former masters Many start out as tenant farmers but become sharecroppers as they get into debt by borrowing from furnishing merchants. Crop liens, very high interest rates (40%) Debt peonage—can’t file bankruptcy and can’t quit or will go to jail (and hard labor) This economic system significantly weakened many of the political and social gains made by African Americans.

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