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Author: NG ETR team Last Updated: 04-Dec-2014 (V0.1)

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Presentation on theme: "Author: NG ETR team Last Updated: 04-Dec-2014 (V0.1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: NG ETR team Last Updated: 04-Dec-2014 (V0.1)
European Transparency Regulation (ETR / ERGEG) – Industry briefing (04-Dec-2014 session) – Tcon Author: NG ETR team Last Updated: 04-Dec-2014 (V0.1) ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

2 ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)
Some ground rules Login to the “live meeting” session as “name (company)”. For example: Melanie (NG) Do not use the “live meeting” audio. Please dial in separately using the conference details in the appointment. When you have a query, use the dialog box to raise your hand. The presenter will stop at the appropriate moment and ask the person to speak. When speaking, please announce yourself “name (company)”. Sorry for this. Due to the expected large number of attendees, it is essential to follow this. ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14) ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

3 ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)
Agenda Testing update Manual entry update / Release of log-on credentials Project status Looking ahead Any other business ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

4 Testing update – MODIS testing externally
Successfully resolved issues with Master configuration files (03 Dec 14) ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14) 4

5 Testing update – Network Connectivity testing
Network issue update to Wokingham server ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14) 5

6 Testing update (Processing of MP sample reports)
ENTSO-E Test platform access through: Can view Master config data currently loaded – note that Production unit level capacity is displayed Can view test reports that have been successfully processed Note: Need to navigate to United Kingdom Area (left hand side bar) and sub-category relating to National Grid ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14) 6

7 ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)
Project Status EMFIP Production environment available 03/12/14 MODIS Production environment available 03/12/14 BMRS Production environment available 16/12/14 Delays experienced with MODIS rollout which has compressed end-to-end testing period During BMRS downtime period, files can be ed and manually uploaded to EMFIP to mitigate impact From 16th December, there will be parallel test and production environments on all 3 systems Contingency arrangements in place in case of unexpected system issues ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

8 Manual entry submission routes
NG has released the manual update spreadsheet, which can be collected by ‘cloud’ distribution method Update on distributing MP log-on credentials Progress to date, including MP testing of manual entry ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

9 ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)
Looking ahead NG has a dedicated tester importing MP sample reports and delivering of the Acks and Nacks NG is working closely with Elexon on system-to-system interface to allow faster turnaround on MP sample report feedback ETR Industry briefing v0.1 (04-Dec-14)

10 End Last slide

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