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Reconstruction of Water-tight Surfaces through Delaunay Sculpting

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1 Reconstruction of Water-tight Surfaces through Delaunay Sculpting
Jiju Peethambaran and Ramanathan Muthuganapathy Advanced Geometric Computing Lab, Department of Engineering Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

2 Surface Reconstruction Problem
Reconstruction Algorithm Generate surface mesh from surface samples Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

3 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Motivation & Scope Require a surface mesh for Effective rendering of the model Computational analysis Parameterization- Morphing, blending etc.. Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 Morphing-Kreavoy et. al 2004 Blending-Kreavoy et. al 2004

4 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Motivation & Scope Applications- Reverse engineering Cultural heritage Rapid prototyping Urban modeling etc… Digitization-courtesy: Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 City modeling-Poullis 2011

5 Related Work-Implicit Surfaces
Represent the surface by a function defined over the space Extract the zero-set Examples Poisson [Kazhdan. 2005] RBF [Carr et al. 2001] MPU [Ohtake et al. 2003] Wavelet [Manson et al. 2008] etc… Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

6 Related Work-Delaunay/Voronoi
Under dense sampling, neighboring points on the surface is also neighbors in the space Examples Alpha shape [Edelsbrunner and Mucke 1994] Sculpture by Boissonat [Boissonnat 1984] Powercrust [Amenta et al. 2000] Cocone [Dey, 2006] Constriction by Veltkamp [Veltkampl, 1994] etc… Each has its own strengths and weaknesses!!! Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

7 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Our Contributions Characterization of Divergent concavity for closed, planar curves Shape-hull graph (SHG)-a proximity graph that captures the geometric shape Surface reconstruction technique Un-oriented point cloud Fully automatic, simple and single stage Delaunay Sculpting Triangulated water-tight surface mesh Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

8 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Closed, planar and positively oriented curve Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

9 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Closed, planar and counter clock wise oriented curve Inflection points and curvature Concave portion (green colored) IP IP Concavity Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

10 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity BTP BT BTP Closed, planar and counter clock wise oriented curve Inflection points and curvature Concave portion (green colored) BT-bi-tangent, BTP-bi-tangent points IP IP Concavity Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

11 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity BTP BT BTP Closed, planar and counter clock wise oriented curve Inflection points and curvature Concave portion (green colored) BT-bi-tangent, BTP-bi-tangent points Pseudo-concavity Pseudo concavity IP IP Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

12 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Extremal and non-extremal BTs Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

13 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Medial balls Divergent pseudo-concavity Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

14 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Medial balls Non-divergent Divergent If all the pseudo-concavities are divergent, then it is divergent concave Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

15 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Implications: Point set, S sampled from a divergent concave curve Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

16 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Implications: Delaunay triangulation of S Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

17 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Implications: Divergent concave portion Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

18 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Implications: Triangles in divergent concave region are Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

19 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Divergent Concavity Implications: Triangles in divergent concave region are Obtuse Their longest edge faces towards the extremal BT Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

20 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Junction points Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

21 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Junction points Connectedness Q Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 P

22 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Point set Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

23 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Del(S) Point set Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

24 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Del(S) Point set Del(S)-Delaunay triangles in divergent concave regions =SHG(S) SHG(S) Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

25 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Del(S) Point set Triangulation - sub graph of Del(S) Connected No junction points Consists of Delaunay triangles whose circumcenter lies inside the boundary of SHG SHG(S) Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

26 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Del(S) Point set SHG(S) SH(S) Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

27 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
SHG(S) is a connected triangulation, free of junction points and consists of a subset of Delaunay triangles such that the circumcenter of these triangles lie interior to its boundary. Delaunay triangulation Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 SHG

28 Shape-hull Graph (SHG)
Lemma---SH(S), where S is densely sampled from a divergent concave curve Ω, represents piece-wise linear approximation of Ω Divergent concave curve Shape-hull Point set Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

29 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Sculpting Algorithm Construct Delaunay tetrahedral mesh Repeatedly eliminate (or sculpt) boundary tetrahedra, T subjected to the following: circumcenter of T lies outside the intermediate surface T satisfies tetrahedral removal rules Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

30 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Sculpting Algorithm Tetrahedral removal rules- Remove the tetrahedra with one/ two boundary facets if it satisfy the constraints [Boissonnat,1984 ] 1-boundary facet (abc) 2-boundary facets (abc) & (abd) Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

31 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Sculpting Algorithm Selection criterion- circumcenter of tetrahedra Circumradius/shortest edge length Random removal Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 Volume Circumradius

32 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Sculpting Algorithm Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

33 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Results*-Bimba** 74K points, 250K tetrahedra *implemented in CGAL (computational geometry algorithms library) ** Models from or Stanford 3D scanning repository Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

34 Results-Budha 250K points, 500K Delaunay tetrahedra
Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

35 Results Caesar, 25K points, 84K tetrahedra
Foot, 10K points, 20K Delaunay tetrahedra Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

36 Results Sheep, 159K points, 552K tetrahedra
Shark, 10K points, 20K Delaunay tetrahedra Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

37 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Results-Down Sampling Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

38 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Results-Down Sampling Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

39 Results- Sharp Features
Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 Powercrust R cocone Screened poisson Our method

40 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
Conclusions Divergent concavity for 2D curves Shape-hull graph Sculpting Algorithm for closed surface reconstruction Future work- Genus construction Extension to non-divergent concave curves/surfaces Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

41 Solid and Physical Modeling 2014
References AMENTA, N., CHOI, S., AND KOLLURI, R. K The power crust, unions of balls, and the medial axis transform. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 19, 127–153. BOISSONNAT, J.-D Geometric structures for threedimensional shape representation. ACM Trans. Graph. 3, 4 (Oct.), 266–286. DEY, T. K., AND GOSWAMI, S Provable surface reconstruction from noisy samples. Comput. Geom. Theory Appl. 35, 1 (Aug.), 124–141. MANSON, J., PETROVA, G., AND SCHAEFER, S Streaming surface reconstruction using wavelets. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Symposium on Geometry Processing) 27, 5, 1411–1420. OHTAKE, Y., BELYAEV, A., ALEXA, M., TURK, G., AND SEIDEL, H.-P Multi-level partition of unity implicits. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Papers, ACM, New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH ’03, 463–470. VELTKAMP, R. C Closed Object Boundaries from Scattered Points. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, USA. EDELSBRUNNER, H., AND M¨U CKE, E. P Threedimensional alpha shapes. ACM Trans. Graph. 13, 1 (Jan.), 43– 2. KAZHDAN, M Reconstruction of solid models from oriented point sets. In Proceedings of the Third Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Eurographics Association, Airela-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, SGP ’05. Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

42 Thank You Questions? Contact Information: Ramanathan Muthuganapathy Jiju Peethambaran Solid and Physical Modeling 2014

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