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Unit 5: Nervous System & Senses

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1 Unit 5: Nervous System & Senses
p. 35 3a. Interpret interactions among hormones, senses, and nerves which make possible the coordination of functions of the body. 3b. Investigate the physiology of electrochemical impulses and neural integration and trace the pathway of an impulse, relating biochemical changes involved in the conduction of the impulse. 3c. Describe how the body perceives internal and external stimuli and responds to maintain a stable internal environment, as it relates to biofeedback.

2 Unit 5: Nervous System & Senses
p. 35 Unit 5: Nervous System & Senses Page Content back of 35 Brace Map: Structural Classification / Nervous System 36 Brace Map: Functional Classification / Nervous System back of 36 Flow Map: Conduction of a Nerve Impulse 37 Frayers: neuron / action potential back of 37 Venn: Autonomic vs. Somatic 38 Flow Map: From Stimulus to Nervous Response back of 38 Flow Map: Visual Interpretation (cornea → cerebrum) 39 Flow Map: Auditory Interpretation (auricle → cerebrum) back of Homeostatic Imbalances 40 Aging and the Nervous System (p. 272) back of 40 Interdependence Free Write (p. 274)

3 Brace Map: Structural Classification / Nervous System
back of p. 35 (CNS) The Nervous System matter Cord matter Nerves ( pair) Nerves (PNS) ( pair)

4 Brace Map: Functional Classification / Nervous System
Sense Organs/Fibers: (Skin, skeletal muscles, joints) (visceral organs) (a special sense) ( ) (a special sense) The Nervous System (a special sense) (a special sense) S ( ) SNS _____pathetic A ( ) ( ) ANS _________pathetic

5 Flow Map: Conduction of a Nerve Impulse
back of p. 36

6 Flow Map: From Stimulus to Nervous Response (p.38)
Illustrate the sequence of events: from a nerve stimulus, through the nervous system, to the resulting response. Examples: A reflex pathway, somatic pathway, or an autonomic pathway

7 Flow Map: Visual Interpretation
Trace the pathway of anatomical structures involved in accomplishing visual interpretation. Begin with the cornea and end at the cerebrum.

8 Flow Map: Auditory Interpretation
Trace the pathway of anatomical structures involved in accomplishing visual interpretation. Begin with the auricles and end at the cerebrum.

9 3-5 Homeostatic Imbalances
Select several conditions of homeostatic imbalance of the Nervous System. For each disease or disorder, address the following: Name of the condition; Characteristics; Effects on the body; Treatment options; Any other significant details or illustrations!

10 Nervous Homeostatic Imbalances (Chapters 7-8)
Group A Anencephaly Anosmias Aphasis Group B Ataxia Cataracts Cerebral Edema Group C Cerebral Palsy Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs or stroke) Concussion vs. Contusion Group D Conjunctivitis, pinkeye Deafness vs. Conduction vs. Sensoneural deafness Group E Encephalitis Flaccid vs. Spastic Paralysis Glaucoma Group F Hemianopia Huntington’s Disease Hydrocephalus Group G Intracranial Hemorrhage Meniere’s syndrome Meningitis Group H Multiple Sclerosis Night blindness vs. color blindness Olfactory auras Group I Opthalmia neonatorum Otitus media Otosclerosis Group J Parkinson’s Disease Spina bifida Strabismus Group K Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Vertigo

11 Aging and the _____________ System:
neonatal period infancy Old age childhood adolescence & puberty maturity

12 Interdependence of the Nervous System to other body systems
Choose two body systems and evaluate their interrelationships with the Nervous System. (Five sentences meets standards.)

13 Unit 6: Endocrine System
p. 41 3a. Interpret interactions among hormones, senses, and nerves which make possible the coordination of functions of the body. 3c. Describe how the body perceives internal and external stimuli and responds to maintain a stable internal environment, as it relates to biofeedback. Page Content 42 Frayers: endocrine / exocrine back of 42 Bubble Map: Glands, Hormones & Their Actions 43 Bridge Map: 6 Hormones & Their Actions back of 43 Flow Map: From Stimulus to Hormone Response Homeostatic Imbalances back of 44 Aging and the Endocrine System (Dev’t., p. 332) 45 Interdependence (p. 334)

14 Glands, Hormones & Their Actions

15 Flow Map: From Stimulus to Hormone Response
Illustrate the sequence of events: from an internal stimulus, through the resulting endocrine action, to the resulting effect(s) on the body. Examples: blood sugar regulation, calcium regulation, etc.

16 3-5Homeostatic Imbalances
Select several conditions of homeostatic imbalance of the Endocrine System. For each disease or disorder, address the following: Name of the condition; Characteristics; Effects on the body; Treatment options; Any other significant details or illustrations!

17 Endocrine Homeostatic Imbalances (Chapter 9)
Group A Pituitary dwarfism Gigantism Acromegaly Group B Diabetes insipidus Goiters Cretinism Group C Mycedema Graves Disease & Exophthalmus Tetany Group D Addison's disease Hyperaldosteronism Cushing's syndrome Group E Diabetes mellitus, acidosis, ketosis Polyuria Polydipsia Group F Insulin resistance

18 Aging and the _____________ System:
neonatal period infancy Old age childhood adolescence & puberty maturity

19 Interdependence of the Endocrine System to other body systems
Choose two body systems and evaluate their interrelationships with the Endocrine System. (Five sentences meets standards.)

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