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Eukaryotic cells Animal and plant cells

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Presentation on theme: "Eukaryotic cells Animal and plant cells"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eukaryotic cells Animal and plant cells
Cellular Organelles Eukaryotic cells Animal and plant cells

2 The cell Most microscopic 3 main parts of the cell
Differ in size and shape 3 main parts of the cell Plasma membrane Cytoplasm nucleus

3 Cell membrane Phospholipid bilayer
Regulates materials in and out of the cell Contains proteins, carbs and cholesterol within the membrane

4 Nuclear membrane and nuclear pores
Allow materials in and out of nucleus via the nuclear pores (small openings found within the membrane)

5 Nucleus Surrounded by nuclear envelope
Contains DNA – heredity information

6 Nucleolus Site where ribosomes are synthesized
Found within the nucleus

7 Ribosomes Involved in protein synthesis No membrane
Made of proteins and RNA Individual or attached to Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

8 DNA Genetic material Double helix
Provides instructions for proteins, regulate cellular activities, cellular reproduction

9 Cytoplasm Cell interior, internal living material
Consists of organelles and fluid space from cell membrane and nucleus

10 cytoskeleton Provide support for the cell
Aids in the movement of organelles 2 components Microfilaments microtubules

11 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Intracellular highway Rough Covered with ribosomes Synthesis of proteins Smooth No ribosomes Synthesis of lipids, breakdown of toxins

12 Vesicle Small membrane sac that transports materials in cell

13 Golgi Apparatus (bodies)
Processing, packaging and secretion Stack of flattened sacs Modifies proteins for export

14 Lysosomes Digestive, breaks down old organelles and substances
Secretes enzymes, high pH Not in plants

15 Mitochondria Powerhouse of cell Supplies energy for the cell
Contains own DNA Has a double membrane

16 Cell Wall Found only in plant cells Give support and protection
Contains cellulose

17 Chloroplasts Light energy is converted to chemical energy ( photosynthesis) Contains green pigment – chlorophyll Found only in plant cells

18 Central Vacuole Large membrane bound space found in plant cell
Stores water, nutrients and wastes When full, plant cells are rigid, making plant stand upright Animal cells do have small vacuoles

19 Flagella and Cilia Cilia Flagella Short, hairlike Numerous Locomotion
Seen in respiratory system Flagella Long, whiplike Less numerous Used mostly for locomotion

20 Centrioles Aid in cell division of animal cell only
Composed on microtubules

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