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Learner Profile What is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Profile What is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Profile What is it?
Planning tool collating information on your group/learners Replaces the Group Profile + Pen Profiles One document only needed which is generated via promonitor How?

2 Learner Profile Report includes BKSB levels and scores Career plan
Personal issues How the learner likes to learn What the teacher should do to support the learner

3 Learner Profile Planning
The information in the Learner profile should transfer into the Learning Plan section on support and challenge.

4 Learner Profile Key Messages 1. We are working SMARTER 1 report not 2
Prepopulated from promonitor Consistent approach cross-college. 2. There should be a clear transfer of information from the Learner Profile into the Learning Plan with a focus on meeting individual needs.

5 Learner Profile 1. Go to Staffnet, Corporate Systems, promonitor to access your groups.

6 Learner Profile 2. Go to a student group, then a learner.

7 Learner Profile 3. Go to “further details” to complete 3 new sections

8 Learner Profile 4. Go to “career plans” to complete that section (the learner can/will/should do this during induction?)

9 Learner Profile 5. Repeat the process for all learners in the group. To be completed during their induction weeks.

10 Learner Profile 6. Go to promonitor, Reports, HRC Learner Profile report. Complete Academic Year, Course Code, Group. Search.

11 Learner Profile 7. Report is generated – which can be exported

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