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Runway Throughput Daric Megersa SYS 461.

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1 Runway Throughput Daric Megersa SYS 461

2 Runway Throughput Key Terms Maximum Throughput Capacity (MTC)
Runway Occupancy time (ROT) Simultaneous Runway Occupancy(SRO) Inter_Arrival separation Compression and Expansion cases

3 What is Runway Throughput ?
Maximum Throughput Capacity(MTC)- It’s a measure of the capacity of a runway. It defines the average movements(both arrival and departure) that can be performed in an hour time. Assumption made when measuring Runway throughput Non-stop arriving /departing aircrafts No simultaneous runway occupancy(SRO) ATC separation due to Wake-vortex Additional buffer distance to void separation rules Fleet Mix Final approach path distance

4 Runway Throughput Capacity for Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The capacity of the runway to meet SRO (Simultaneous Runway Occupancy) runway determined ROT (runway occupancy time) = 3600sec/ ROT The runway throughput for a runway to account for the Wake Vortex Separation Distance requirements is determined by the separation distance. The average ROT typically ranges from 45 seconds for small aircraft to 70 seconds for large aircraft. The MCT for a fleet of homogeneous aircraft with ROT of 60 seconds

5 Runway Throughput Capacity for Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The Runway Throughput for a runway, to meet only the Wake Vortex Separation Rule, for a homogeneous fleet mix, is determined by the time between arriving aircraft at the runway threshold, known as inter-arrival time (t). =3600/(s/v)

6 Runway Throughput Capacity for Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The Runway throughput for a runway with homogeneous fleet mix to account for the ATC/Controller Separation Buffer for maintaining Wake Vortex Separation Distance requirements is determined by the separation distance plus the buffer distance. = 3600/((s/v) + b), where t = (s/ v) + b

7 Runway Throughput Capacity for a Non-Homogeneous Fleet Mix
Runway capacity for non-homogeneous dependent on the fleet mix on the runway. Fleet mix on the runway represented by the probability of each aircraft arriving Ex - Fleet mix for ATL

8 Runway Throughput Capacity for a Non-Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The Runway Throughput for a runway, to meet only the Simultaneous Runway Occupancy (SRO) rule, for a non-homogeneous fleet mix, is determined by ROT (in sec) Probability of the lead-follow (of Fleet Mix) = 3600/E[ROT] E[ROT]= = ∑i (pi *ROTi)

9 Runway Throughput Capacity for a Non-Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The Runway throughput for a runway, to meet only the Wake Vortex Separation Rule, for a nonhomogeneous fleet mix, is determined by: The separation distance between the lead and the follow The groundspeed of the aircraft The probability of a lead-follow pair

10 Runway Throughput Capacity for a Non-Homogeneous Fleet Mix
The time between the lead and follow aircraft is known as the inter-arrival time (tij) and is represented by the Inter-arrival Time Matrix T the Inter-Arrival Time Matrix T, is computed as follows: r=length of the approach path

11 Runway Throughput Capacity for a Non-Homogeneous Fleet Mix
Compression Case- When the lead aircraft is slower than the follow aircraft, the follow aircraft will catch up Separation Cases- When the lead aircraft is faster than the follow aircraft, the follow aircraft drops back from the lead aircraft as they fly constant speed down the approach path. to the lead aircraft as they fly constant speed down the approach path. For example, for the Fleet mix provided above earlier (ATL airport), the probability of a Large following a Large = * = 0.616

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