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Response to Intervention

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1 Response to Intervention
Caroline Chalupka

2 What is RTI? Definition Components
“a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs” (RTI Action Network) Movement rather than “a thing” Components High-quality instruction Research based instruction Universal screening Close and ongoing monitoring Parent involvement Scaffolding Tiered instruction 3 tier or 4 tier model

3 History of RTI Traced back to many different practices
Long history of evidence based instruction

4 Why RTI? “A primary purpose of RTI is to increase options within general education.” (ASCD) Teachers receive more quality and timely information Distinguished what levels of differentiation students need Many instructional techniques can be adapted and used at multiple tiers

5 RTI Tiers

6 Tier 1 Components General education classroom About 80% of students
Core instructional interventions Evidence based curriculum Differentiated instruction Preventative Demonstrative

7 Tier 1 Activity KWL Chart Stands for “Know, Want, Learned”
Students are given a chart with three columns: What do I already know? What do I want to learn? What have I learned? Can be done at multiple tiers Multiple subjects and lessons

8 Tier 2 Components Often done in small groups About 15% of students
6 Key Principles (Lynn. S. Fuchs) Specifically for math but can be adapted for other subjects 1. Instructional explicitness 2. Instructional design to ease learning challenge 3. strong conceptual basic for procedures $. Emphasis on drill and practice 5. cumulative review 6. motivator to help students regulate attention and behavior

9 Tier 2 Activity SQ3Rs Reading comprehension strategy S – Survey
Q – Question R – Read R – Recite R - Review

10 Tier 3 Components High intensity About 5% of students
One on one intervention Self-questioning processes Guided practice Frequent progress monitoring Specialized instruction

11 Tier 3 Activity TOWER – Writing strategy
Adapt to be individualized and focused Steps: T – Think O – Order Ideas W – Write E – Edit R - Rewrite

12 Tier 4 (Optional) Optional tier Even more specialized

13 Summary

14 Reference Page Feldman, Ross. "RTI Action Network." RTI Action Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct Collier, Catherine. RTI for Diverse Learners: More than 200 Instructional Interventions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Print. NWEA. "What Is RTI and Why Is It so Important to Early Learning?" Teach Learn Grow. N.p., 14 Dec Web. 30 Oct Ascd. "Chapter 1. What Is RTI and Why Should We Care?" What Is RTI and Why Should We Care? N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct

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