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ccNSO CWG-Stewardship Update

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Presentation on theme: "ccNSO CWG-Stewardship Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 ccNSO CWG-Stewardship Update
Lise Fuhr | ICANN56 Helsinki | June 2016

2 Session Chair of Session
Lise Fuhr – introducing session and core issues Presenters Trang Nguyen: (ICANN staff) Overall Implementation and anticipated next steps Katrina Sataki: (chair of the GRC) Update on CSC Maarten Simon: (CWG and Client Committee) PTI Bylaws and contract SLE

3 Timeline Overview October 2014 – CWG-Stewardship formed
1 December 2014 – First draft published 22 April 2015 – Second draft published 25 June 2015 – Final draft delivered to ICG (ICANN53 in Buenos Aires) 10 March 2016 – Proposals submitted to NTIA (ICANN55 in Marrakesh) 27 May 2016 – New ICANN Bylaws adopted by ICANN Board 9 June 2016 – Proposals endorsed by NTIA 12 August 2016 – ICANN implementation report due to NTIA ICANN worked with the community to prepare and plan for implementation. Following NTIA endorsement in June, formal implementation is underway and on track to allow for expiration of the contract in September 2016.

4 NTIA Publishes Report 9 June 2016: NTIA publishes its report on the community-developed IANA Stewardship Transition proposals The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) finds that the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal developed by the global Internet multistakeholder community meets the criteria NTIA set in March 2014   Meets the needs and expectations of the global customers and partners of the IANA services Maintains the openness of the Internet Does not replace the NTIA role with a government-led or intergovernmental organization solution Supports and enhance the multistakeholde r model Maintains the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet DNS

5 Core issues PTI Bylaws PTI – ICANN Contract Staffing of PTI IANA IPR

6 PTI Overview Board Officers Staff Legal Status Services Operations
5 directors 3 from ICANN or PTI staff 2 by ICANN NomCom Jonathan Robinson and Lise Fuhr to serve as interim directors Abide by Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct Appointed by PTI Board PTI President (seconded from ICANN at time of transition) Treasurer (ICANN direct shared resource) Secretary (ICANN direct shared resource) Seconded from ICANN to PTI After transition, ICANN will work to put in place benefits, systems and processes Once in place, PTI will be required to offer employment to seconded employees and new hires Legal Status Services Operations Affiliate of ICANN ICANN is sole member Domiciled in California 501(c)(3) tax status Name Number Protocol Parameters Other current IANA services At time of transition, resources required to support PTI’s operations and legal status will be provided by ICANN and the cost charged to PTI PTI Board may review arrangement post transition

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