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CSCE 212 Chapter 5 The Processor: Datapath and Control

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1 CSCE 212 Chapter 5 The Processor: Datapath and Control
Instructor: Jason D. Bakos

2 Goal Design a CPU that implements the following instructions: lw, sw
add, sub, and, or, slt beq, j

3 Datapath

4 Instruction Fetch Datapaths

5 Register File and ALU

6 BEQ Datapath

7 Load, Store, and R-type Datapath

8 Combined Datapaths

9 ALU Control ALU performs function based on 4-bit ALU_operation input
Add a lookup table that instructs ALU to perform: add (for LW, SW), or subtract (for BEQ), or perform operation as dictated by R-type function code Instruction opcode ALUOp Instruction Funct field Desired ALU action ALU control input LW 00 add 0010 SW BEQ 01 subtract 0110 R-type 10 100000 sub 100010 subract and 100100 0000 or 100101 0001 slt 101010 set on less than 0111

10 MIPS Datapath

11 MIPS Datapath with Control

12 MIPS Datapath with Jump

13 Single-Cycle This is a single-cycle implementation
Each instruction is executed within one clock cycle Must be set for worst-case delay (LW) Instruction class Functional units used Instruction fetch Register read ALU Memory access Register write R-type X LW SW BEQ J

14 Multicycle Implementation
Break instruction execution into a sequence of steps Adjust cycle time to be long enough to perform one basic operation fetch, register read, ALU, memory access, register write Must add registers to carry computed values from one cycle to next Still can perform independent operations in parallel, i.e.: fetch instruction and compute next PC address read registers and compute branch address Allows us to re-use ALU

15 Multicycle MIPS Implementation

16 Multicycle Control Instruction fetch
Information available: PC Performed for all instructions RTL: IR <= Memory[PC]; PC <= PC + 4; Instruction decode and register fetch Information available: PC, instruction A <= Reg[IR[25:21]]; B <= Reg[IR[20:16]]; ALUOut <= PC + (sign-extend(IR[15:0]) << 2);

17 Multicycle Control Execution, memory address computation, or branch completion Information available: PC, instruction, (rs), (rt), (ALUOut) Memory reference: ALUOut <= A + sign-extend(IR[15:0]); Arithmetic-logical instruction (R-type): ALUOut <= A op B; Branch: if (A == B) PC <= ALUOut; Jump: PC <= {PC[31:28], IR[25:0], “00”};

18 Multicycle Control Memory access or R-type completion step
Information available: PC, instruction, (rs), (rt), (ALUOut) Load: MDR <= Memory[ALUOut]; Store: Memory[ALUOut] <= B; Arithmetic-logical instruction (R-type): Reg[IR[15:11]] <= ALUOut;

19 Multicycle Control Memory read completion step
Information available: PC, instruction, (rs), (rt), (ALUOut), (MDR) Load: Reg[IR[20:16]] <= MDR;

20 Multicycle Control

21 Adding Datapaths and Control
How to add these instructions: addi rt, rs, imm bgtz rs, target bgtzal rs, target

22 Exceptions and Interrupts
Events other than branches or jumps that change the normal flow of instruction execution Examples: I/O device request (external, interrupt) System call (internal, exception) Arithmetic overflow (internal, exception) Invalid instruction (internal, exception) Hardware malfunction (internal or external, exception or interrupt)

23 Interrupts and Exceptions
What to do? Execute code in response to event (handler) Save PC (EPC reg,) Record cause (Cause reg.) Set new PC (4) Return from handler Restore PC Enable e/i (shift Status reg.) Determining type of exception Use vectored exceptions Infer type from address Use polled exceptions Use Cause register This is what MIPS does

24 Example Implementation
Use polled approach All exceptions and interrupts jump to single handler at address The cause is recorded in the cause register The address of affected instruction is stored in EPC

25 Example Implementation

26 Example Implementation

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