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Global 10E – Industrial Revolution Section 2 –

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Presentation on theme: "Global 10E – Industrial Revolution Section 2 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global 10E – Industrial Revolution Section 2 – 638-642

2 Poor city dwellers Lacked adequate housing  forced to live in dark, filthy overcrowded slums (very unsanitary living conditions) WHY?? Laissez Faire!! No plans, sanitary codes or building regulations to control development of cities, factories, etc.

3 Living conditions of the working class – Friedrich Engels (p
Living conditions of the working class – Friedrich Engels (p. 259 in textbook) 1. What is the general condition of the buildings that Engels observes? 2. How did the development of the railways affect the working-class districts? 3. Why do you think Engels had never seen such sights before? 4. What seems to be Engels’ general attitude towards the Industrial Revolution? 5. What was Engels’ purpose in writing this passage?


5 Factory Workers Forced to work long hours for starvation wages, often under dangerous/unhealthy conditions WHY?? Laissez Faire!! Factory owners wanted to keep machines running as many hours as possible & keep profits high No government regulations said they couldn’t Over time, working conditions and standard of living improved

6 Wealthy merchants, factory owners, shippers
Gained wealth & status in society Joined a growing middle class of skilled workers, professionals, etc. The middle class grows and benefits the most from the I.R.

7 Children Some began working as young as 6 yrs. Old WHY??
Mostly under long hours & brutal conditions WHY?? Laissez Faire = no government regulations to stop children from working Eventually, child labor laws brought reforms



10 Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers
They enjoyed a comfortable standard of living Cheaper products allowed them to stretch their dollars further

11 Large landowners and aristocrats
Some lost their status, wealth and power as “new money” factory owners, bankers, etc. grew wealthier

12 What were the long term consequences of the Industrial Revolution on each of the following?
Environment Became more polluted and natural resources became depleted Education Opportunities expanded in response to need for skilled/professional workers

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