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Chapter 4 Sexualities. Chapter 4 Sexualities Topics to Cover Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Trends in sexual behavior.

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2 Chapter 4 Sexualities

3 Topics to Cover Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Trends in sexual behavior and attitudes about sex Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry Sexual orientation A closer look at current issues in sexuality Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

4 Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities
Summarize the historical trends influencing sexualities. Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

5 Sexualities in History
Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Sexualities in History Historically, women’s bodies used for men’s pleasure Women as property Industrial Revolution and Victorian times Women as moral leaders of family Sex as a duty Medicalization of women’s sexuality Family doctors, vibrators, and hysteria Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

6 Social Darwinism Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859)
Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Social Darwinism Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859) Galton and racial superiority Only elite intelligent people should breed Eugenics movement 60,000 to 200,000 sterilized Consequences for victims Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

7 Sexualities in Modern Times
Macrosystem and historical influences on sex and sexualities Sexualities in Modern Times Sexualities in the 1920s versus the 1930s Havelock Ellis Women should acknowledge and fulfill sexual desires Margaret Sanger Birth control Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

8 Trends in sexual behavior and attitudes about sex
Discuss some basic research findings on trends in sexuality. Trends in sexual behavior and attitudes about sex Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

9 Cultural Regulation of Sexuality
Trends in sexual behavior and attitudes about sex Cultural Regulation of Sexuality Sexual double standard Pornography Married couples versus singles Key relationship processes: Power struggles, conflicts, and communication patterns Sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

10 Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry
Describe female and male sexual anatomy and typical and atypical functioning. Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

11 Women’s Sexual Organs Female Sex Organs: Women’s Sexual Response
Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry Women’s Sexual Organs Female Sex Organs: Labia majora Internal labia minora Urethra Vagina Clitoris Mouth, breasts, perineum, and anus all erogenous zones Women’s Sexual Response Women’s Sexual Problems Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

12 Men’s Sexual Organs Male Sex Organs: Men’s Sexual Response
Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry Men’s Sexual Organs Male Sex Organs: Penis Scrotum Testes Men’s Sexual Response Men’s Sexual Problems Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

13 Sex Therapy Healthy sexuality influenced by
Sex organs: the way they work and how things go awry Sex Therapy Healthy sexuality influenced by General relationship skills Communication Openness and maturity Do not depend on partner for validation Not a partner’s job to soothe pain or fill voids Education Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

14 Explain the bioecological influences on sexuality and sexual orientation.
Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

15 Sexual Orientation Queer theory Darwinian paradox
Critique of heteronormativity Darwinian paradox Sexual antagonistic selection X chromosome links Triple oppression Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

16 A closer look at current issues in sexuality
Identify the myths and truths about controversial topics like female genital mutilation, AIDS, abstinence education, and sexualized violence. A closer look at current issues in sexuality Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

17 Sexual Disorders Cannot be sexually satisfied without the behavior
A closer look at current issues in sexuality Sexual Disorders Cannot be sexually satisfied without the behavior Behavior is nonconsensual Extreme personal distress Sexual aversion disorder Paraphilias Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

18 Female Genital Mutilation
A closer look at current issues in sexuality Female Genital Mutilation Occurred in United States Occurs in many Middle Eastern and African countries Believed to: Enhance women’s chance of marriage Prevent premarital sex Control age at first sexual encounter Four types: Clitoridectomy Excision of clitoris with or without labia minora Infibulation Mutilating genitalia by burning or lesions Sexism, patriarchy, cultural relativism Surgery replaced by ritual Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

19 AIDS End of free love Killed more Americans than many wars
A closer look at current issues in sexuality AIDS End of free love Killed more Americans than many wars Fight against AIDS and gay rights movement Heterosexual couples more at risk Young people at risk High rates of sexually active teens Lower rates of condom use Stigma and reputation, “clean” versus “unclean” Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

20 Abstinence Education Unreasonable and harmful
A closer look at current issues in sexuality Abstinence Education Unreasonable and harmful Related to higher levels of teen sexual activity + less likely to practice safe sex Hispanic families, Latinas at risk Education and communication needed Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

21 Sexual Abuse and Violence
A closer look at current issues in sexuality Sexual Abuse and Violence Possible Explanations Hostile masculinity Sexual promiscuity/impersonal sex Misogynistic attitudes Childhood sexual abuse and internal working models Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

22 Chapter Summary Summarize the historical trends influencing sexualities. Discuss some basic research findings on trends in sexuality. Describe female and male sexual anatomy and typical and atypical functioning. Explain the bioecological influences on sexuality and sexual orientation. Identify the myths and truths about controversial topics likes female genital mutilation, AIDS, abstinence education, and sexualized violence. Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

23 Open-access student resources
Mobile-friendly quizzes Mobile-friendly eFlashcards Learning objective summaries Video and multimedia resources SAGE journal articles Checklist action plan Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.

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