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Refactoring with inline temp, method, and class

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1 Refactoring with inline temp, method, and class
Sung-Jun Lee

2 Inline temp Example: You have a temp that is assigned to once with a simple expression. double basePrice = anOrder.basePrice(); return (basePrice > 1000) Motivation: used in Replace temp with query

3 Inline temp(cont.) Solution: Replace all references to temps that are assigned once with a simple expression with the expression itself. return (anOrder.basePrice() > 1000) Benefits: Fixes problems that need to be fixed to do other types of refactoring

4 Inline Method Example: Make method name as clear as the body int getRating() {     return (moreThanFiveLateDeliveries()) ? 2 : 1;} boolean moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(){     return _numberOfLateDeliveries > 5;} Motivation: To get rid of pointless indirection and often good to do before other refactoring types such as replacing method with method object

5 Inline Method(cont.) Solution: Put the method’s body into the body of its callers and remove the method. int getRating() {     return (_numberOfLateDeliveries > 5)? 2 : 1; } Benefits: Makes the code clear and easy to read

6 Inline Class Example: A class is not doing much class Person...   public String getName() {       return _name;} public String getTelephoneNumber(){       return _officeTelephone.getTelephoneNumber(); private String _name; private TelephoneNumber _officeTelephone = new TelephoneNumber();

7 Inline class(cont.) class TelephoneNumber...   public String getTelephoneNumber() {       return ("(" + _areaCode + ") " + _number);   }   String getAreaCode() {return _areaCode;}   void setAreaCode(String arg) {_areaCode = arg;}   String getNumber() {return _number;}   void setNumber(String arg) {_number = arg;}   private String _number;   private String _areaCode;

8 Inline Class(cont.) Motivation: Reverse of extract class. Result of other refactoring methods Solutions:Move the features of class to another class then delete the old class class Person...   String getAreaCode() {return _officeTelephone.getAreaCode();}   void setAreaCode(String arg) {_officeTelephone.setAreaCode(arg);}   String getNumber() {return _officeTelephone.getNumber();}   void setNumber(String arg) {_officeTelephone.setNumber(arg);} Person martin = new Person(); martin.getOfficeTelephone().setAreaCode ("781"); becomes Person martin = new Person(); martin.setAreaCode ("781");

9 Inline Class(cont.) Benefits: Makes the program easier to read.

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