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Suicide Prevention and the African American Faith Community Coalition

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1 Suicide Prevention and the African American Faith Community Coalition
SPAAFCC Suicide Prevention and the African American Faith Community Coalition _______ How to begin changing the narrative to empower trauma informed faith communities Presented by: Simone Sibley & Angie Thompson Metro Public Health Department Of Nashville-Davidson County

2 OUTCOMES/TAKEAWAYS Duplicable Framework (Why, What, How, *Who, *Where)
Examples of SPAAFCC Impact Lessons Learned Next Steps *Activity *Who, where and activity = optional

3 WHY 44,965 deaths by suicide each year 25 attempts for every suicide
Men die 3.53x more than women Over 1 million attempts annually 2nd leading cause of death among individuals 10-34 AFSP/NIMH/MHA

4 WHY Metro Charter Community Health Improvement Plan
Memphis Church death by suicide AA Community barriers to treatment Metro Charter Community Health Improvement Plan Priorities of Supporting Mental and Emotional Health and Promoting Health Equity

5 WHAT SPAAFCC works to decrease the incidents of AA suicides in the AA community by creating trauma informed AA churches by Promote prevention Mission/Vision Conferences, monthly meetings, social media, KHROME/Rutherford Co. Consensus Workshop Alignment with CHIP, All Children Excel, ACEs awareness Inclusion of all voices, community Roadmap to take the work to the next level 4 workgroups

Personal relationships/pastors as champions Conferences – Memphis Pastor Young No registration fee, held at MPHD EMPOWERED Knowledge + tools + resources Suicide belief statement EDUCATED Pastors, congregation, community at large Raised awareness around suicide prevention, mental health and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the AA church Evidence-based community presentations

7 WHO + WHERE Faith leaders, pastors, state agencies, community volunteers, local mental health and non-mental health organizations, *youth, etc. Take training to congregations, community groups, ease of participation Nashville to Rutherford Youth = future?

5th Sunday mental health scripture Pastor led job fair suicide prevention table KHROME youth group Church bulletin inserts Youth and National AME Conference trainings Conferences Interdenominational Ministry Fellowship Youth = future?

9 LESSONS LEARNED Organic + Be Flexible
Leadership centered in faith leaders, MPHD support/guide Structure + Measurable outcomes Youth engagement = key Narrow focus to bitesize/monthly Keep group stimulated/continued engagement Volunteer + ministry investment

10 NEXT STEPS Incorporate lessons learned
May – Mental Health Month campaign Train all members + member congregations Increase memberships, partnerships & # of churches trained Youth engagement/advisory board? Meeting/Workgroups 2017/2018: Evaluation 2018/2019: Plan NEXT STEPS

11 Activity List 5 local churches/faith leaders to connect with
List 5 national/local mental health orgs Identify awareness of need in your community + champions to move your efforts forward

12 RESOURCES National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Textline
TALK (8255) Crisis Textline Text “HELLO” to


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