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Old Immigration US History.

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Presentation on theme: "Old Immigration US History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Old Immigration US History

2 Waves of Immigration Colonial Immigration ( ) – British, African, Scottish Old Immigration (1820s-1860) – Irish, German/NORTH AND WEST EUROPE New Immigration (1880s-1920) – Polish, Italian, Slavic, Russian/SOUTH AND EAST EUROPE Modern Immigration (1965-Present) – Asian Nations (China, Vietnam, Korea, Indochina) and Latin America (Mexico, Central America)

3 Old Immigration (1820s-1860) Irish Germans Why They Came?
Where They Settled? What They Did? Opinion of “Natives”?

4 Irish Immigration

5 Impact of Irish Immigration
Why They Came to America? Potato Famine Economic Opportunity Political Oppression Where They Lived? Eastern Cities Slums What They Did? Labor Supply Political Power Political Machines Catholic Church Education Nativism (3 slides) Know Nothing Party (American Party) (2)

6 German Immigration

7 Results of German Immigration
Why They Came to America? Political Oppression (1848 Revolutions) Economic Opportunity Where They Lived? Midwest Midwestern Farms & Cities (2) What They Did? Labor Supply Political Power Cultural Influence Religion: Catholics & Lutherans Nativism

8 Practice Writing SAQ: Answer (a), (b), and (c). a) Describe one similarity between Irish and German immigrants from b) Describe one difference between Irish and German immigrants from c) Explain the reason for EITHER A or B.

9 Practice Writing Write diary entry or a letter home dated November 14, Imagine you have lived in America for several months and are reflecting on you experience. Discuss the following (be creative): Where you are from Why you left What you encountered upon arriving Your new job Your living conditions Your political activity How the “native” Americans are treating you

10 Irish Immigration to 1870

11 German Immigration to 1870

12 Potato Famine

13 Political Power

14 Irish American Society

15 Irish American Society

16 Irish American Society (BC)

17 Nativism

18 Nativism

19 Nativism

20 Know Nothings

21 Know Nothings – American Crusader 7/22/1854
THINGS WHICH ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS AND ALL TRUE ROMAN CATHOLICS HATE 1. They HATE our Republic, and are trying to overthrow it. 2. They HATE our Flag, and they grossly insulting it. 3. They HATE the liberty of the Press. 4. They HATE the liberty of speech. 5. They HATE our Public School system. 6. They HATE the Bible, and would blot it out of existence if they could! 7. They HATE Protestants, and are sworn to exterminate them from our country and the earth. 8. They HATE all rulers that do not swear allegiance to the Pope of Rome. 9. They HATE to be ruled by Americans, and say “WE WILL NOT BE RULED BY THEM!” 10. They HATE to support their own paupers and they are left to be supported by the tax paying Americans.

22 Wisconsin Farm

23 Milwaukee

24 Cultural Contributions

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