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Doctrine of God Creation Ex Nilhilo.

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1 Doctrine of God Creation Ex Nilhilo

2 Creation Ex Nihilo Worldview question: How did I get here? (Origin)
The secularist (atheist) answer: random processes from evolution The New Age answer: Eternal, no creator, bits of evolution

3 Creation Ex Nihilo How did I get here?
The Christian response: God created the material and spiritual world What is the Doctrine of Creation: God created the entire universe out of nothing: it was originally very good, and he created it to glorify himself – Wayne Grudem. The free act of the triune God to create the entire universe from nothing, as well as every creature from his own purpose and glory – David Nelson

4 Creation Ex Nihilo Central issue that separates Christianity and other religions. Secularists/atheists aim at this doctrine because the Christian worldview collapses if you undercut this doctrine Judeo-Christian faith believes we did not emerge by means of a cosmic accident but by a direct, supernatural work of a Creator. Creation Ex Nihilo – Out of nothing

5 What does the Bible say? Four lines of thought: (1) That God created
Genesis 1:1 - 2:4 – Opening chapters of the Bible teach us creation ex nihilo Four lines of thought: (1) That God created (2) how God created (3) what God created (4) why God created

6 That God Created The Genesis account:
Emphasizes the God of the Bible, created all that exists. It assumes the existence of God, and asserts that he created the world This assertion in Genesis that God is the sole Creator stands against all forms of idolatry.

7 How god created By his voice. Repeated refrain of ”and God said”
The Bible reminds the reader of the immense power of the Creator

8 What God Created A world, which he identifies as good.
This world is good and purposeful. He also created a world that is ordered 1st Day – Light th – Sun/Moon/Stars 2nd – Skies/Seas th – Fish/Fowl 3rd – Land/Vegetation 6th – Animals/Mankind

9 What God Created God also created the spiritual universe: Angels
Heaven (Rev. 10:6; Acts 4:24; Neh. 9:6) Adam and Eve (Gen. 2:7, 21-22)

10 Why God Created To Bless man and woman (Gen 1:22, 28)
To Bless others (Gen. 12:1-3) For His own glory

11 What Does the bible say? Isaiah
Man makes idols (2:8, 20; 17:8; 31:7) but God made the world. The Creator has the ability to save, but idols have no such ability (45:20; 57:13) Psalms Emphasizes the continuity of the doctrine of creation God’s protection of his people is related to his creative work: The Lord who made heaven and earth (Ps. 121:2; 124:8) Call to worship God because he created the world (Ps. 33; Ps. 115; Ps. 146; Ps. 148)

12 What does the Bible say? Job Job 38 – 41 John’s Gospel John 1:1 – 5
Acts Acts 4:23 – 30

13 What does the Bible Say? Paul’s Epistles
Rom. 4:17; Rom. 11:36; Col. 1:16; 1 Tim. 4:4 – 5 Hebrews Heb. 1:2; 4:3b – 4 John Calvin states: But it is by faith alone that we alone know that it was God who created the world. Revelation Rev. 3:14; 4:11; 10:6; 14:7

14 Three fundamental Points
(1) There was a beginning (2) There is a God (3) There is a creation If the first point can be established firmly, the other two would follow by logical necessity If there is a beginning to the universe, then there must be something or someone responsible

15 3 options for the Universe
(1) Self-existent and eternal Secularists believe the universe did have a beginning but is not eternal (2) Material world is self-existent and eternal (3) The universe is self-created Suddenly and dramatically by its own power. (This is a logical absurdity) For anything to create itself, it must be its own creator, which means that it would have to exist before it was, which means it would have to be and not be at the same time and in the same relationship. This point violates the Law of Non-Contradiction A A

16 Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit – Out of nothing, nothing comes If all we have is nothing, that is all we will ever have, because nothing cannot produce something Something has to be self-existent; something must have the power of being within it to exist at all.

17 Theories of Creation Secular theories – any theory of the origin of the universe that does not see an infinite-personal God as responsible for creating the universe by intelligent design. ”big bang” theory - theory that the universe came into existence via an explosion of energy. Violates the first law of the thermodynamics Inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture that God created the universe out of nothing.

18 Theories of Creation Theistic Evolution – advocates the belief in God and in evolution too. Those who hold to a theistic evolution believe that God intervened at crucial points: (1) the creation of matter at the beginning (2) the creation of the simplest life form (3) The creation of man.

19 Theories of Creation Theistic evolutionists hold that evolution proceeded in the ways now discovered by natural selection. Believe that the random mutation of living things led to the evolution of higher life forms through the fact that those that had an “adaptive advantage” lived when others did not.

20 Theories of Creation Objections to Theistic Evolution:
1. Scripture clearly teaches the purposefulness of God’s work of creation. Incompatible with the randomness of evolution theory If God intervenes at any point in the process, then it is no longer random and no longer evolution.

21 Theories of Creation 2. Scripture teaches an immediate response to God’s creative word The Bible emphasizes the power of his word and its ability to accomplish his purpose. (Ps. 33:6, 9) Again this is incompatible with the idea that God spoke and after millions of years and millions of random mutations brought about the results. Gen. 1:11

22 Theories of Creation 3. Genesis 1:11, 24.
This verse suggests God created many differentiations of plants and animals 4. God’s present active role in creating and forming every living thing is hard to reconcile with the “hands-off” approach. Ps. 139:13; Ps. 104:14; Mt. 6:30

23 Theories of Creation 5. Special Creation of Adam and Eve Man and Woman possessed highly developed linguistic, moral, and spiritual abilities. 6. Many scientific problems with evolutionary theory David A. Young, “The position of theistic evolutionism as expressed by some of its proponents is not a consistently Christian position. It is not a truly biblical position, for it is based in part on principles imported into Christianity.”

24 Theories of Creation Darwinian Evolution
micro-evolution – small developments within one species Innumerable examples of these are evident today and no one denies they exist. Macro-evolution – nonliving substance gave rise to first living material When talking about evolution, macro-evolution is the term referenced

25 Darwinian Evolution Current Challenges:
Philip E. Johnson, law professor, author of Darwin on Trial 1. The amount of variation that can be produced (even with intentional, not random breeding) is extremely limited. 2. Survival of the fittest – the strong will survive, but in reality almost any characteristic could be argued as an advantage or disadvantage

26 Darwinian Evolution 3. Vast and Complex Mutations
Complex organs could not have occurred in tiny mutations because individual parts of the organ are useless unless the entire organ is functioning 4. Fossil record Gave Darwin problems Many records so the existence of many different kinds of animals and plants Darwin couldn’t find “intermediate types”

27 Darwinian Evolution 5. Molecular structures of living organisms do show relationships Darwin assumed common ancestry, but this has not been proven. 6. How life began in the first place. Even the simplest living organism capable of independent life requires an intelligent designer

28 Darwinian Evolution Kofahl and Segraves
Probability of the formulation of living organism by random processes: 10 to the 340,000,000 power or 1 in 80 billion.

29 Final thoughts on Evolution
If Evolution is true, then: There is no significance of life No supreme Judge to hold us morally accountable Why should we care for those who are weak or less able to defend themselves. Wisdom of earlier generations is not valuable as modern thought

30 Theories of Creation ”Gap” theory
Proposes a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 God created the world, then there was a rebellion against God, earth became formless and void Genesis 1:3 – 2:3 really a second creation.

31 Theories of Creation Objections to the Gap theory:
1. No verse in Scripture that explicitly talks about an earlier creation 2. When God finished his work of creation, he saw everything and declared it good. In the gap theory, God would be looking at the results of rebellion, conflict and divine judgment.

32 Theories of Creation 3. God created everything in Six days.
Exodus 20:11 4. Must assume that all of the fossils of animals from millions of years resemble very closely animals from today indicate that God’s first creation of the animal and plant kingdom result in a failure.

33 Age of the Earth See Handout(s), Excerpts from Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. Please hang onto these.

34 Days of Creation The debate between Old vs. Young Earth hinges on interpretation of “day” Six Days: Old Age – Long periods of time during which God carried out the creative activities Young age – Six literal 24 hour days.

35 Conclusions about Age of the Earth
One can be a Christian and hold to either an old earth or young earth view. The evidence points to God creating the earth in six days.

36 How does it All Fit together?
How does Creation fit with other doctrines? Creation and the Trinity All three persons participated in the act of creation God the Father = The Author of creation God the Son = the Agent of creation God the Spirit = the Sustainer of creation

37 How does it all fit together?
Creation and Lordship God is sovereign over his creation. God knows all things about his creation Polemic against idolatry Creation and Worldview The world is good, ordered and purposeful God created the world for his own pleasure and glory Creation and Salvation The one who has the power to create also has the power to save

38 How does this doctrine Impact the church?
Dignity of Human life A right understanding of creation leads us to a deep appreciation of the value of all human life Murder must be rejected Marriage – Biblical definition of marriage Creation Care We should recognize the value of the rest of God’s good creation Stewardship over creation

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