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Editorial Writing An Introduction.

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1 Editorial Writing An Introduction

2 Editorial Writing This module is also known as ENB5
It requires you to write in a particular mode and genre, using material from a range of sources You also need to consider audience and purpose The key thing is to be aware of genre conventions The best way to achieve this is to read a range of genres You are required to use a range of the material from the pack, but to create a new text.

3 Editorial Writing You are given the source packs (2) about 7 days before the examination Each pack is about pages in length It contains a range of (sometimes quite random!) information You can take this apart, make notes on it, highlight it, etc Try to read each one at least twice

4 Editorial Writing The exam lasts for two and a half hours
You are given two questions on each pack You only answer one question So, one from the four given. You are expected to write approximately words You must also write a commentary of about 250 words Use 2 hours for the piece, and half an hour for the commentary

5 Editorial Writing Preparation
When you get the packs, read them through at least twice. You can get together to work on these packs, but you can’t discuss them with your teacher Make a contents page Make a grid, telling you where the illustrations are etc This will help you to find things quickly in the exam

6 Editorial Writing Usually, but not always, there will be a spoken task as well as at least one written one This means that you need to listen to a range of genres (radio programmes, trailers, interviews, etc) as well as reading This awareness is the key to success

7 Editorial Writing Think about the key aspects of your Original Writing folder here This means considering audience, purpose and genre You will be given specific instructions on these aspects, and marked on them, so consider them carefully before you begin writing

8 Editorial Writing The commentary consists of your discussion and evaluation of the choices you have made For example, what graphology did you choose for a web-page, what language did you choose for a talk to 10 year olds, etc

9 Editorial Writing Preparation Read, read and read…..
Try keeping a log-book of the things you have read and listened to over the day List the genre conventions of these pieces Evaluate the effectiveness of these Try to read/listen to something different for 20 minutes each day

10 Editorial Writing We’ll begin by writing mini-tasks, then build up to writing full ones You’ll need to do at least 2 full, practice ones, preferably 3 Be careful to re-write, or edit information Don’t bring in information from any other sources You can use some information directly (verbatim) from the pack, but keep this to a minimum.

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