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Starter – in groups: Discuss the image on your table. Write down what you can remember about this idea from last lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter – in groups: Discuss the image on your table. Write down what you can remember about this idea from last lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter – in groups: Discuss the image on your table. Write down what you can remember about this idea from last lesson.

2 Objectives: Recap the meanings of the “I Am” sayings.
Know what is meant by a Bible Commentary. Use a commentary to add to our understanding of the I Am sayings.





7 What is a Bible Commentary?
The Bible text There are links to several online commentaries on the blog. Use them for independent study – add details to your notes on the anthology texts. There are also commentaries without the Bible text, so you have to use it alongside your own copy. A verse-by-verse explanation of the text

8 Raymond Brown’s Commentary on John
Read the commentary alongside your anthology text. Add details to your notes. Ask me if there’s anything that needs further explanation.

9 Analyse the implications of the “I Am” sayings for an understanding of the identity and message of Jesus. (12 marks) What is this question asking? How could you re-phrase it?

10 Objectives: Recap the meanings of the “I Am” sayings.
Know what is meant by a Bible Commentary. Use a commentary to add to our understanding of the I Am sayings.

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