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Converting light energy into chemical energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Converting light energy into chemical energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Converting light energy into chemical energy.
Photosynthesis Converting light energy into chemical energy.

2 Chapter 8 Vocabulary and Notes
Make a heading in your notebook for Chapter 8 and define the terms below: ATP ADP Chlorophyll

3 What is Photosynthesis?
Photo = “Light” Synthesis = “To put together” Photosynthesis = “Putting together with light” Q: What is being put together in photosynthesis? Q: Where does photosynthesis occur?

4 The Formula: MEMORIZE THIS! light pigments
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2

5 Waxy Cuticle Used by plants to protect their leaves and keep them from losing water in heat or harsh light or gaining too much water in wet climates

6 Leaf Epidermal Cells Green tight-knit cells that allow light through but don’t contain very many chloroplasts

7 Stomata Openings on the leaves to let gases like CO2, O2 and H2O vapor pass through

8 Pigments Chloroplasts: Organelles containing the green pigment chlorophyll. These are the primary pigments used by plants for photosynthesis Accessory Pigments: Used when chlorophyll is not available (fall, deep ocean, etc) Carotenoids: Orange and Yellow pigments Anthocyanins: Red and Purple pigments

9 Veins Veins contain the vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) that can carry water and sugars to the plants. Water travels up from the roots and sugars travel down from the leaves.

10 Sunlight reaches the leaf and energizes chlorophyll
CO2 enters through the stoma Names: __________________________________ Class Period: _________________ Vein Upper Epidermis

11 Glucose (C6H12O6) and Oxygen (O2) are made in the chloroplasts from CO2 and water
O2 is released through stoma Inside the leaf Water (H2O) enters the leaf through the stem and veins from the roots. Stoma Chloroplast


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