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2 Main Concepts Cellular Respiration Need to know: Photosynthesis
Steps and stages Light reaction/Calvin Cycle ATP, NADPH, Rubisco Cellular Respiration Anaerobic Aerobic Glycolysis Pyruvate Need to know: Equations Inputs Outputs Energy Transfers Be able to draw a diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and energy transfer

3 Energy What is energy? Where do plants get energy?
Where do we get energy? Why is it important?

4 What types of energy are there?
Some words you might have used: chemical, potential, gravitational, kinetic, thermal, mechanical…

5 Inputs/Outputs Definitions
Photosynthesis What do plants need (inputs) and what do they create as a result (outputs)?

6 Why do plants go through photosynthesis?

7 What is the chemical from of glucose?
What is glucose? What macromolecule does it belong to? What elements do you think are in glucose? Was glucose an input or an output?

8 What does that chemical equation look like
Inputs Light energy + CO2 + H2O Outputs Glucose + O2 Let’s put it together Light Energy + CO2 + H2O > glucose + O2 What is the chemical form for glucose? C6H12O6 Photosynthesis Equation is: 6CO2 + 6H2O > C6H12O6 + 6O2 Where did all these different elements come from? BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES

9 Lets make a diagram Photosynthesis
Label all the inputs at the top of your diagram Label all the out puts at the bottom of your diagram inputs inputs inputs Photosynthesis outputs outputs outputs

10 Visible Light Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, which travels in waves When white light passes through a prism the individual wavelengths are separated out.

11 Light Options When It Strikes A Leaf
Reflect – a small amount of light is reflected off of the leaf. Most leaves reflect the color green, which means that it absorbs all of the other colors or wavelengths. Absorbed – most of the light is absorbed by plants providing the energy needed for the production of Glucose (photosynthesis) Transmitted – some light passes through the leaf

12 Pigment Molecules that absorb specific wavelengths of light Chlorophyll absorbs reds & blues and reflects green SO WE SEE GREEN

13 Chlorophyll Green pigment in plants Traps sun’s energy
Sunlight energizes electron in chlorophyll

14 Chloroplast Are located within the palisade layer of the leaf
Stacks of membrane sacs called Thylakoids Contain pigments on the surface Pigments absorb certain wavelengths of light A Stack of Thylakoids is called a Granum Chloroplast Mesophyll 5 µm Outer membrane Intermembrane space Inner Thylakoid Granum Stroma 1 µm

15 Chloroplast

16 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Comes from Greek Word “photo” meaning “Light” and “syntithenai” meaning “to put together” Photosynthesis puts together sugar molecules using water, carbon dioxide, & energy from light.

17 Happens in two phases Light-Dependent Reaction
Converts light energy into chemical energy Light-Independent Reaction Produces simple sugars (glucose) General Equation 6 CO2 + 6 H2O+ light energy  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 INPUTS OUTPUTS

18 First Phase Requires Light = Light Dependent Reaction
Sun’s energy excites an electron in the chlorophyll molecule Electron is passed to nearby protein molecules in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast

19 Excitation of Chlorophyll by Light
When a pigment absorbs light it absorbs energy It goes from a ground state to an excited state, which is unstable Excited state Energy of election Heat Photon (fluorescence) Chlorophyll molecule Ground e– Figure A

20 Electron Transport Chain
Electron from Chlorophyll is passed from protein to protein along an electron transport chain Electrons lose energy (energy changes form) Finally bonded with electron carrier called NADP+ to form NADPH or ATP Energy is stored for later use

Photosystem A photosystem Is composed of a reaction center surrounded by a number of light- harvesting complexes Primary election acceptor Photon Thylakoid Light-harvesting complexes Reaction center Photosystem STROMA Thylakoid membrane Transfer of energy Special chlorophyll a molecules Pigment THYLAKOID SPACE (INTERIOR OF THYLAKOID) Figure 10.12 e–

22 Two Photosystems Photosystem II: Clusters of pigments boost e- by absorbing light Photosystem I: Clusters boost e- by absorbing light Reaction Center: Both PS have it. Energy is passed to a special Chlorophyll a molecule which boosts an e-

23 A mechanical analogy for the light reactions
Electron gets excited Mill makes ATP e– Photon Photosystem II Photosystem I NADPH Figure 10.14  Electron gets excited ETC loosing E in form ATP Photon of light Photon of light Ground state electron

24 Figure 10.5 H2O CO2 [CH2O] O2 (sugar) Light LIGHT REACTIONS CALVIN
CYCLE Chloroplast [CH2O] (sugar) NADPH NADP  ADP + P O2 Figure 10.5 ATP

25 Where did those electrons come from?
Water Electrons from the splitting of water supply the chlorophyll molecules with the electrons they need The left over oxygen is given off as gas Remember hydrogen wants to lose electrons, once it does it becomes a PHOTON (H+)

26 Electrolosis: Splitting of Water
Electrons, from the splitting of water, supply the chlorophyll molecules with the electrons they need The left over oxygen is given off as gas Remember hydrogen wants to lose electrons, once it does it becomes a PHOTON (H+) UNBALANCED EQUATION Not showing the Conservation of Matter BALANCED EQUATION Showing the Conservation of Matter 2H2O-- e- e- e- e- H+ H+ H+ H+ O2 H2O-- e- e- H+ H+ O2 This is a balanced equation showing the conservation of matter, as we need O2 given off we had to add another molecule of water for balance Two hydrogen and one oxygen. Each hydrogen loses 1 electron to become H+ (photon) and oxygen is left

27 High Quality H2O Electrolysis: Splitting of water with light energy
Hydrogen ions (H+) from water are used to power ATP formation with the electrons Hydrogen ions (charged particle) actually move from one side of the thylakoid membrane to the other

28 Light-Dependent Converts light into chemical energy (ATP & NADPH are the chemical products). Oxygen is a by-product Input: Light, Water Output: ATP, NADPH, O2 Mill makes ATP e– Photon Photosystem II (Water-splitting) Photosystem I (NADPH-producing) NADPH Figure 10.14 

29 Electron Transport Chain
Series of Proteins embedded in a membrane that transports electrons to an electron carrier What are proteins?

30 What types of energy are there?
Engage: What’s Going On Inside a Cell? What types of energy are there? Food gives us E (energy) but NOT until we break it down into another form. Food is stored as chem E (chemical energy). It has the potential to give us E but not until something else is done to it…

31 Get it Straight… When we eat a food that has protein, that protein is not incorporated immediately into our muscles. The protein (and other nutrients) are broken down into other organic molecules Remember organic molecules are used to build up the specific macromolecule that are used for plant and animal cells So when we eat something it doesn’t go “straight to our hips”

32 ATP Adenosine Triphosphate is chemical energy
Stores energy in high energy bonds between phosphates ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a method of energy storage in living organisms

33 NADPH During the Light Dependent Cycle of photosynthesis, light is absorbed by the chlorophyll. The electrons are excited, which starts them moving from one enzyme to another. A hydrogen atom attaches itself to an NADP+ molecule, converting it to NADPH Stores the high energy electrons for use during light-Independent reaction (Calvin Cycle)


35 Light Independent Reaction
Takes place in the stroma after carbon dioxide DIFFUSES through pores in the leaves This is where glucose (sugar/carbohydrate) is synthesized (or made) In the Calvin cycle, carbon atoms from the CO2 are fixed (incorporated into organic molecules) and used to build three-carbon sugars called pyruvate This process is fueled by, and dependent on, ATP and NADPH from the light reactions.

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