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Eukaryotic cell structure

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1 Eukaryotic cell structure
Topic 2 14/11/2018 Eukaryotic cell structure LO: What is the structure of a eukaryotic cell? All Most Some Be able to interpret pictures, diagrams and electron micrographs to identify cell organelles. Be able to explain the roles of the different organelles within eukaryotic cells. Be able to describe the structure and function of organelles in eukaryotic cells. Key words Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Golgi vesicle, lysosomes, cell wall, cell vacuole.

2 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal?

3 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal?
Cell wall

4 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal?
Cell wall

5 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?
Cell membrane

6 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?
Cell membrane

7 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

8 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

9 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

10 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

11 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

12 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

13 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

14 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

15 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?

16 What can we remember from GCSE? Plant or animal or both?
Vacuole 10

17 What is a eukaryotic cell?
Eukaryotic cells have a distinct nucleus and possess membrane-bound organelles. They are different from prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria (we will look at these next lesson). With an electron microscope, details of organelles within these cells can be seen.

18 To Do – Eukaryotic cell organelles
Fill out the A3 table using the information on the posters around the room. The table is double sided! 55 & 10min discussion/questioning for misconceptions = 65 45 minutes

19 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?
Cell wall

20 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?

21 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?

22 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?

23 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?
Nucleus (view of nuclear envelope)

24 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?

25 Mini-whiteboards Which organelle?

26 How do the organelles work together?

27 B A Label A-M C D E F 1hr40 with answers G H I 5 minutes J K L M

28 Exam practice Answer all questions in exam conditions.
You have 11 minutes. Peer assessment with green to follow. 1hr50 11 minutes

29 Peer Assessment M1.(a) (i) (Aerobic) respiration; Accept ATP production / energy release Reject anaerobic respiration Reject energy production 1 (ii) Golgi (apparatus / body); Ignore smooth ER

30 Peer Assessment (b) (‘It’ = Optical microscope) Ignore reference to magnification 1. Has low resolution / not high enough resolution; Accept converse relating to EM 2. (Because) wavelength of light not short enough / too long; Accept larger wavelength Accept statements that microscopes have a wavelength

31 Peer Assessment M2.(a) 1. How to break open cells and remove debris; 2. Solution is cold / isotonic / buffered; 3. Second pellet is chloroplast; 3 (b) 1. A stroma; 2. B granum; Accept thylakoid 2

32 Peer Assessment (c) 1 (d) Two of the following for one mark; Mitochondrion / ribosome / endoplasmic reticulum / lysosome / cell-surface membrane 1 max [7]

33 How did they do? 11 – 8 = Brilliant! Now read ahead on specialised cells. 7 – 5 Fair. Do a quick recap organelles, use of electron microscopes and calculating magnification. 4 – 0 Oh dear. Deep revision needed! Recap organelles, use of electron microscopes and calculating magnification. 2hr

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