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Gametogenesis & Male Reproductive System

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1 Gametogenesis & Male Reproductive System
Biology 12 – Reproductive System

2 Male Reproductive System

3 Spermatogenesis Production of sperm in the testes.
Sperm develop from immature sex cells called spermatogonia. These divide by mitosis to produce more cells. Number of sperm is not limited. Each primary spermatocyte will produce four sperm.

4 Spermatogenesis There are three types of cells located within the testes. Spermatagonia – These cells produce sperm. Sertoli Cells – These cells nurture developing sperm cells. Interstitial Cells – These cells produce the hormone testosterone. ** Video watched during class ** Each spermatagonium that undergoes meiosis, 4 sperm are produced.

5 Parts of the Sperm Head Middle Piece Tail
Acrosome – Contains digestive enzymes. Why is the important? Nucleus – What would this contain? Middle Piece Collar – Contains many mitochondria. Why does the sperm need so many? Tail Flagellum – What would the purpose of this structure be?

6 Parts of the Sperm

7 Female Reproductive System

8 Ovaries & Egg Formation
Produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. The ovaries are the site of egg cell, called ova, development as well as ovulation. The ovaries also contain cells, called follicles, that will develop into oocytes – immature egg cells. Follicles are composed of two types of cells: primary oocytes and granulosa cells. ** Video watched in class (previous slide) as well as this video: Oogenesis. ** Hormones to know: Estrogen, LH, FSH, Progesterone.

9 Oogenesis

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