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5/27 Day 1 -Grab an President Packet. Use pgs

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1 5/27 Day 1 -Grab an President Packet. Use pgs
5/27 Day 1 -Grab an President Packet. Use pgs to complete the graphic organizer on Eisenhower. Put RB Unit 6 in box. Learning Target: I can identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the United States foreign and domestic policy of Dwight D. Eisenhower. (put in the center) Homework: Unit 7- Vocab is up on the website, complete your flip cards by Wednesday.

2 1953-1961 2 term President Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower 2 term President Eisenhower Pg. 253 in Review Book. Finish for homework

3 Eisenhower Political Party: Republican Vice President: Richard Nixon

4 Eisenhower Domino Theory Brinkmanship
Belief that if one country falls to communism others in the same region will fall too! Brinkmanship Willingness to go to the brink of war Eisenhower

5 Eisenhower Launching of Sputnik
USSR launched the first satellite into space. US felt inferior and wanted to catch up Increase funding for education in areas of science and math. SEATO South East Asian Treaty Organization = the NATO of the Pacific Goal to contain communism in S.E.A. Eisenhower

Leisure class Suburban dreams Needed cars and highways Levittown- Rise of prefab homes in the suburbs to meet the needs of soldier coming home from war. Levittown, NY Eisenhower

7 Interstate Highway Act 1956
Building of a nationwide highway network 41,000 miles of expressway Reliance on oil and auto industry. More than any single action by the government since the end of the war, this one would change the face of America. ... Its impact on the American economy - the jobs it would produce in manufacturing and construction, the rural areas it would open up - was beyond calculation.

8 Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren served during the Presidency’s of Eisenhower, Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson Many landmark cases were heard by this court. MUST KNOW!! Brown V. Board of Education Separate IS NOT EQUAL! Must integrate facilities- overturns Plessey v. Ferguson. Miranda v. Arizona/ Rights must be read to you when you are arrested Gideon Wainwright Lawyer must be provide Engles v. Vitale Banned Public Prayer in school Tinker vs. DesMoines Extends freedom of speech to include symbolic Warren Court

9 Warren Court Congressional reapportionment: how to readjust boundaries for elections Promotes the rights of the accused – free legal counsel, illegally seized evidence can not be used in a state trial

10 BABY BOOM 1950 Population explosion
Lead to the creation of suburban townships Need for highways, schools, parks and leisure activities.

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