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Stockholm Barnahus –multidisciplinary work and support for children and their parents in the best interest of the child Konsultationer. Samråd i polisanmälda.

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Presentation on theme: "Stockholm Barnahus –multidisciplinary work and support for children and their parents in the best interest of the child Konsultationer. Samråd i polisanmälda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockholm Barnahus –multidisciplinary work and support for children and their parents in the best interest of the child Konsultationer. Samråd i polisanmälda ärenden. Brottsutredningar gällande målgruppen (åklagare är FU-ledare i princip alla ärenden) Barnförhör, i egna ärenden och remissärenden. Stöd och informationssamtal till medföljare/trygghetsperson. Rättsmedicinska undersökningar. Socialtjänsten kan fortsatta ha sina barnsamtal på Barnahus. Krisstöd via BUP. KIBB – Kognitiv Integrerad Behandling vid Barnmisshandel.

2 Co- Workers in Barnahus Stockholm
Leadership: 1 manager from the police force 1 manager from social services 1 manager from health division 1 manager from child psychiatric division Social services: 7 co-ordinators/social workers Police: ca 50 incl. 42 investigators, 4 group managers and a couple of administrative staff BUP/psychiatric health: 5 child psychologists specialized in trauma Barnskyddsteam/medical health: 3 specialist nurse Prosecution: three public prosecution offices (app. 20 prosecutors) Add to the picture: Local Child protection services; 18 different offices, approximatly more than 300 social workers

3 Multidisciplinary work at Barnahus
Forensic medical examination Risk & Protection assesment Forensic interviews Crisis Support & Treatment Enter

4 A childs’ case way through Barnahus
CPS calls and consult the co-ordinator, fax the police report Multidisciplinary team meeting Prosecutor applies to court for a Guardian ad litem Guardian ad litem picks up the child at pre-school/school and a safety person joins the child (usually the teacher with the closest relation to the child) Child interview- support to safety person/ parent Professionals in the monitor room – what to do next, mainly depending on what the child said in the interview Forensic medical examination Ambition is to also have the adult interview the same day Crisis support

5 Multidisciplinary meeting is taking place to share information in order to plan the next step
Coordinator Child-and adolescent Police psychiatry Procecutor Medical team Local child protection services The purpose of the meeting is to share information and plan how the different professions will approach and work together in this specific case To ensure that the child’s needs and best interest is met To work for a high level of quality and legal security for the child To put the spotlight on this specific child´s need of protection and support measures The meeting should result in a plan for the further investigation, specifically the interview day Forensic interviews (within 2 weeks) Medical examination? How is the child protected, short and long term? Is there need for treatments, short and long term? Who does what and when?

6 Multi-disciplinary meetings on a weekly basis
At Barnahus we are divided in 3 multi-disciplinary teams, including all professionals (not prosecutors) We meet one every Monday morning in order to share information on who’s is doing what and the child’s needs before, during and after forensic interview The meetings include brief information sharing about; incoming police reports; if the local service has been involved since the police report was done; need of medical examinations; need of crisis support for the child or parents; review of the weeks schedule of support to safety persons ( school/ parents)

7 Collaboration between police’s interrogating officers and social service’s coordinators at Barnahus
Twice a week Tuesdays and Thursdays Sharing information from consultations with local social services and incoming police reports Making priorities Is there a need for a major multi-disciplinary meeting? Information about the child is regularly updated

8 Support to safetypersons during forensic interview
The aim of support to safety persons is to strenghten their role in order to assist and focus on the child during and after the forensic interview. Broschures about Barnahus and other relevant Organisation, ie; Brottsoffermyndighetens Psycho-education Information about Happy or Not Machine Parental support up to 5 sessions The Happy or Not Machine gives a hint about the child percieved the experience of coming to Barnahus.

9 Collaboration between Barnahus’ counselors and the psychiatric team ( BUP)
Family work ( inter-disciplinary) Children’s need of support Parental support : Psycho-education; Self-regulation, talk about feelings; separate own feelings and childrens etc.

10 All professions in the same house is a winning concept
Small talks over a cup of coffee-make steps forward Availability Interdependcy Respect for each other’s knowledge and legislations National guidelines! Our duty is to organise in the best interest of the child! How do we improve the information processes for children, support after forensic interview and how can we get information from children – as experts on their own lives!

11 Thank you! Caroline Radetzky social worker/co-ordinator/councelor
Thank you!

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