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Parts of Speech Review.

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1 Parts of Speech Review

2 Copy the following sentences on to your review sheet: Sentence #1
Yesterday, the huge jacked gorilla wandered into the intersection because he saw a bunch of bananas on the other side of the street. Identify: 3 nouns 1 pronoun 2 adjectives 2 verbs 1adverb 1 subordinating conjunction 3 prepositional phrases

3 Sentence #2: If Jeremy goes to the Dollar Store to buy Christmas presents, he will be able to buy himself a new iPhone and his girlfriend will dump him. Identify: 2 proper nouns 3 verbs 2 pronouns 1 proper adjective 1 coordinating conjunction 1 subordinating conjunction 1 prepositional phrase

4 Sentence #3 Finally, the tardy turtle tipped his hat at the slithering snake as he waddled past the fidgety frog into the swamp council meeting. Identify: 3 nouns 1 pronoun 1 verb 3 adjectives 1 adverb 1 prepositional phrase 1 subordinating conjunction

5 Sentence #4 The courageous captain smiled politely as the pilfering pirates boarded his ship since he had a secret deathly trapdoor beside the multiple chests of treasures. Identify: 5 nouns 1 pronoun 4 adjectives 2 verbs 1 adverb 2 prepositional phrases 1 subordinating conjunction Put square brackets around the subordinate clause Underline the main clause (independent clause)

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