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How It All Fits Together

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Presentation on theme: "How It All Fits Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 How It All Fits Together
Core Language Implementation Language / FFI-specific ‘glue’ ActiveX Substrate

2 How an ActiveX Object Looks At Runtime
Language implementation value type Substrate-provided thread-safe wrapper object 32-bit raw, un-thread-safe object pointer

3 How Event / Notification Queues Work At Runtime
Language Runtime Implementation Non-blocking (but polling) Notifications Events Obj, Data Choose event style to fit impl. model Asynchronous (languages with such support) Win32 Event Handles (signaled on new entries)

4 Problem? Research Languages Can’t ‘Do Anything’
Substrate provides: Simple, C-based wrappers for Raw ActiveX objects creation / manipulation Event / Notification handlers Type information Thread safety A way to avoid spending months learning to implement IDispatch

5 What do researchers (minimally) write?
VARIANT-to-<langtype> wrapper, and back Substrate calls this change data types upon function calls and returns Addition of a storage class or subtype for ‘ActiveX handles’ Simple wrappers for C functions (creation, etc.)

6 What else can researchers wrap?
Asynchronous or non-blocking (polling-based) event handling Handles both dynamic [source] interfaces and IPropertyNotifySink Type library information Coclasses with all interfaces, not just [default] Interfaces and all of their methods Constant information

7 Driving IE from Scheme (define ie (create-object “InternetExplorer.Application”)) (define ie-source-iid "{EAB22AC2-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}") (invoke ie "Navigate" " (register-object-event-handler! ie ie-source-iid "BeforeNavigate" (lambda (a b c d e f) (format #t "The user left! How *rude*!~%"))) (put ie "Visible" #t)

8 Making the Agent Say Something More Interesting
(define agent-control (create-object "Agent.Control.1")) (put agent-control "Connected" #t) (define agent-characters (get agent-control "Characters")) (invoke agent-characters "Load" "clippit" "C:/program files/microsoft \ office/office/clippit.acs") (define clip-it (invoke agent-characters "Character“ "clippit")) ;; Mua-ha-ha! (invoke clip-it "Show") (invoke clip-it "Speak" "I'm a twisted, evil piece of metal... but at least I don't have to write C code!")

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