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Progressive Era 1890s-1910s.

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1 Progressive Era 1890s-1910s

2 Progressivism Definition: Impulses:
Optimistic social reform movement seen around the turn of the century which waged a war on “natural laws” Impulses: Anti-Monopoly Dispersion of Wealth Social Cohesion Individual welfare dependant on welfare of society as a whole Organization and Efficiency Push for organized and rational order to society Enlightened Public Opinion If people are unaware of a problem, it cannot be fixed

3 Muckrakers Journalists who direct public attention towards social injustices Examples: Urban Housing and Poverty Jacob Riis Labor and Food Upton Sinclair Corruption in Politics Lincoln Steffens Political Machines Thomas Nast Dangers of Big Business Ida Tarbell


5 Urban Housing and Poverty
Areas of Concern Urban Housing and Poverty Labor Women Government African Americans Big Business

6 Urban Housing and Poverty
Settlement Houses Hull House in Chicago Jane Adams Salvation Army Religious based charity Become more popular in 1900s YMCA Promoted Christianity through athletics


8 Labor Rise of middle class professionals Professional Organizations
Medicine - Legal - Commercial Services Science -Education - Engineering Professional Organizations Push out illegitimate practitioners and businesses American Medical Association Legal Bar Associations Business Administration Organizations

9 Labor Beginnings of Labor Laws Limits on Working Hours
Many states passed “8 Hour” laws Increasing Child Labor Laws Banned in 75% of US by 1912 Keating Owen Act of 1916 National ban on child labor Later declared unconstitutional Improved Safety Regulations Triangle Shirtwaist Factory (1911) 146 Dead Led to fight for better conditions Workers Compensation 46 States by 1921

10 Women Labor Lifestyle Most employed women work in Factories
Professional jobs on the rise (90% Education) Lifestyle Less Children, More Schooling Increase in women's colleges 10% never marry “Boston Marriages Rising Divorce Rates

11 Women Suffrage Counter Idea of “Separate Spheres” N.A.W.S.A.
National American Women’s Suffrage Association 1917 – 2 million Members Carrie Chapman Catt 19th Amendment Western States begin allowing women to vote Ratified into Constitution

12 Women Temperance and Prohibition W.C.T.U. (1873) 18th Amendment
Women’s Christian Temperance Union 250,000 members Join Anti Saloon League in 1893 18th Amendment Volstead Act

13 Carrie Nation 6’ 0” 175 pounds Kentucky LB/RB
"a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what He doesn't like"

14 Government – Expanding Democracy
National Primaries People choose presidential candidates - not Party Bosses 17th Amendment Citizens now elect Senators State Initiatives Laws proposed by the people Referendums People Vote on Laws Recalls Elected officials can be removed

15 Government - Local Focus on reform at the grassroots level
Attack on Party politics Secret Ballots Gradual reduction of “machine” control Municipal (Local) Reform Commissioners and City Managers Non Partisan officials Commissioners – Elected by people City Managers – Hired by elected officials *Weakens Political Machines


17 Government Robert La Follette (a.k.a. Fighting Bob)
Wisconsin Congressman Governor Senator Presidential Candidate Progressive Party Anti-RR, Anti-Trust, Anti-Pol. Machine


19 African Americans Renewal of Civil Rights movements W.E.B. Du Bois
Rejected Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise” Encouraged Higher Education Called for Immediate Progress Niagara Movement NAACP Ida B. Wells Anti Lynching Laws Attempts to pass laws are Filibustered

20 Big Business Anti Monopoly Movement Rise of Socialism
“Trust Busting” Era Roosevelt and Taft Rise of Socialism I.W.W. International Workers of the World (“Wobblies”) Call for all laborers to unite into one labor union Eugene Debs – Co-Founder Movement Loses support when socialists refuse to support WWI


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