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Do Now: Your Political Roots

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1 Do Now: Your Political Roots
Answer the questions presented on the sheet These questions address how your personal, political knowledge is acquired.

2 Political Ideology

3 Objectives By the end of class, students will
Define political ideology Identify the four main ideologies in American politics today Analyze a political stance to determine whether is it conservative or liberal

4 Where do you stand? Carefully read each statement, then write S in the blank for each statement that you SUPPORT **Note – not all of these represent a perfect answer. There will be some that you are “on the fence” about and that is fine. When you finish, sit quietly.

5 Political Ideology What is political ideology?
One’s basic beliefs about power, political values, and the role of government 4 Main Ideologies in American Today Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Libertarianism

6 Liberalism Supports active federal government in promoting individual welfare and supporting civil rights, and accepts peaceful political social change within the existing political system

7 Conservatism Promotes a limited government role in helping individuals economically, supports traditional values and lifestyles, favors a more active role for government in promoting national security, and approaches change cautiously

8 Political Party Liberal Conservatives Democrats Republicans

9 Business Liberal Conservatives
Some government regulation of business needed Agrees with the following Affirmative Action Labor Unions Little government regulation Pro-business Does not agree with the following Affirmative Action Labor Unions

10 Taxes Liberal Conservatives Decrease
Increase Used to support social programs in the states like Welfare Medicaid and Medicare Homeless shelters Free clinics Women’s Shelters Food kitchens Decrease Social programs in the state should be supported through charities and state taxes “Trickle Down Economics” aka “Reaganomics”

11 Abortion Liberal Conservatives Pro-Choice Pro-Life

12 Defense Spending Liberal Conservative Decrease Use for social spending
Increase or maintain

13 Death Penalty Liberal Conservative Against it
Would like to see it banned nationally For it “eye for an eye”

14 Government Size Liberal Conservative Big national government
More government involvement Small national government Less government involvement

15 Foreign Relations Liberal Conservative Negotiate first
If the U.S. is in imminent danger, take action with allied support after all alternatives have been rejected Negotiate first If the U.S. is imminent danger, take pre-emptive action, even if allies don’t support us

16 Same Sex Marriage Liberal Conservative Believe it should be legal
Not a moral question, but an equality issue and it is protected by the Constitution Believe it should not be legal Support a Constitutional amendment to define marriage Is a moral issue tied to religion

17 Attitude Toward Criminals
Liberal Conservative Want rights of the accused protected first and foremost Interested in finding out “why” a person committed a crime Want rights of victims protected first and foremost Not concerned with “why” a person committed a crime

18 Doctor Assisted Suicide
Liberal Conservative Believe it should be legal and protected by the courts Individual rights issue Believe it should illegal and not protected by the courts Suicide not a protected right

19 Minimum Wage Liberal Conservative
For it and would like to see it increased Believe national government should protect workers Against an increase Believe it regulates business too much

20 Social Security Liberal Conservative
Believe it should be left in the hands of the federal government Believe it should be privatized

21 Health Care Liberal Conservative
Should be 100% provided by the national government Should continue to be de-regulated and left in the hands of independent competing health care providers

22 Personal Responsibility
Liberal Conservative Believe government sometimes need to protect us from ourselves Believe people are responsible for their own misfortune Should not rely on government for handouts

23 Religion Liberal Conservative
Want to keep clear and strict separation of church and state No religion in government policy Would like to implement more religion into government policy Views largely based on religion

24 War on Terror/Terrorism
Liberal Conservative Global warming, not terrorism, is the greatest threat to the U.S. Terrorism is merely a result of arrogant U.S. foreign policy and the U.S. should practice good diplomacy with foreign nations. Terrorism is the greatest threat to the U.S. It must be stopped and destroyed through the use of intelligence- gathering and military force.

25 Welfare Liberal Conservatives
Support welfare, including long-term welfare. It provides help and protection for the poor, therefore bringing fairness to American economic life. Oppose long-term welfare, but support opportunities should be provided to make it possible for those in need to become economically independent.

26 United Nations Conservative Liberal
The U.S. should not undermine its national interests to those of the UN because it has repeatedly failed to promote world peace and human rights. The U.S. has a moral and legal obligation to support the UN because it promotes peace and human rights. The U.S. should submit to the UN on military/peacekeeping matters.

27 Socialism What is Socialism?
“It is the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.”- Karl Marx American socialists favor an expanded role of government and share the following views Public ownership of key industries Job programs High taxes for the wealthy Cut in defense spending; anti-war Social and economic equality is goal Against capitalist “free market economy” Healthcare and childcare provided for all Free post-secondary education

28 Libertarianism What is Libertarianism?
Ideology that cherishes individual liberty above all else, and favors a sharply limited state and federal government Has overtones of anarchism, liberalism, and conservatism Views include the following Massive cuts in federal spending, reduce and/or eliminate taxes End to FBI/CIA (any federal government policing) Withdraw all troops from overseas Small defense Elimination of all government programs Repeals laws regulating morality (abortion, pornography, prostitution, recreational drugs) No government regulation (no seat belt or helmet laws)


30 Traditional (American) Political Spectrum
More Liberal (left) Want Change- government should be an agent of change More Conservative(right) Resist change- less government Moderates (most Americans) Pure Capitalism Political Fascism Socialism Communism Democrats Republicans Right Wing Radical “reactionary” Want to return to the “good ol’ days” even if it’s violent Left Wing Radical Demand change even if change is violent

31 Back to the quiz… Determine which statements are Conservative or Liberal

32 Answers… Liberal/Left Conservative 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 14, 16, 18, 19
22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29 31, 33 3, 4, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 20, 21, 24, 28 30, 32, 34

33 Discussion Were you “support” statements consistent with where you find yourself on the spectrum? Was anyone surprised with their stance?

34 Homework – Quiz Grade Write two paragraphs explaining where you think you belong on the spectrum and why. You should include your feelings about a couple key issues and how that ties to your position on the spectrum. You should also discuss if your political ideology is influenced by any outside facts like family, friends, church, the media, etc. **I will not be grading this based on your political views or where you are on the spectrum. You will be graded based on your understanding of the spectrum and where certain ideologies fall regarding certain issues.

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