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Traffic Crash Investigation and Traffic Incident Management

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1 Traffic Crash Investigation and Traffic Incident Management

2 What is Traffic Incident Management?
Traffic Incident Management is the process of coordinating the resources of different partnering agencies and private sector companies to identify, respond to, and clear traffic incidents as quickly as possible while protecting the safety of on-scene responders and the traveling public.

3 Why do we need it here? Metro area growth has resulted in increased traffic volume and congestion To accommodate traffic volume shoulders have been reduced and / or eliminated in lieu of additional travel lanes

4 Related Problems Kansas City is second only to New York City when it comes to incident related traffic congestion Higher number of secondary collisions and incidents For every minute traffic is shut down on a busy highway the traffic jam builds one mile.

5 Related Problems Economic Impact – FHWA has translated the average 20-minute lane blockage into a monetary figure to show how freeway incidents directly affect the national economy. If one lane of a three-lane freeway is blocked for 20 minutes – assuming the freeway is running at capacity – the delay caused to motorists will exceed 1,200 vehicle hours. At the FHWA-assigned value of $4.00 per hour for each vehicle hour of delay the cost of the incident due to the delay alone is approximately $5,000.00 Increased Pollution

6 Missouri Traffic Incident Management Summit Sept. 2007
National Overview FHWA and NTIMC Nature of Problem from Safety and Congestion Standpoint Law Enforcement TIM Practices and Challenges MODOT’s Perspective

7 What is the Traffic Incident Management National Unified Goal?
Responder Safety; Safe, Quick Clearance; and Prompt, Reliable, Interoperable Communications.

8 State & Regional TIM Program Elements
Strategic Program Plans Partnership Agreements & MOU’s Emergency Transportation & TIM Operations & Response Plans Guidelines & Laws –Scene Management Guidelines, Move Over, Steer It/Clear It, etc. Services –Motorist Assist Patrols, Reconstruction Teams, Traffic Management Teams, etc.

9 TIM Summit Outcome Goals and Objectives
MUTCD Compliance, reflective garments, signage Quick Clearance – 90 minute Target MODOT Promises Assistance and Support – recovery and clean up, traffic control, Treat Highway Crash Scenes as temporary work zones

10 What if? Sometimes you have no choice and the road must be closed. I-435 in MPD’s Area

11 Sometimes You Have No Choice The Road Must Be Closed, But
Closed = Closed Closed Does Not = Safe Adequate Resources Needed For Safety (District Officers, Traffic Crews, Personnel from other zones, MODOT, Signs, etc.)

12 Putting It Into Perspective
The longer an incident is in place, the greater the risk for secondary collisions. and The longer incident responders are vulnerable, and exposed to chance of injury.

13 Increased Risk to Responders

14 Increased Risk to Citizens
Secondary crash occurred on east bound I-470 before View High. MSHP and Lee’s Summit PD were working a crash near 350 Interchange orior to this incident.

15 Improper Traffic Control

16 Proper Traffic Control

17 The KCPD Experience

18 KCPD Prior to 2007 TIM Summit
Priority was on conducting the investigation with no consideration given to implications of a complete highway shut down, or emphasis on clearing the roadway. 4 to 6 hours not uncommon. Relied on traffic enforcement crews with many of them being on motorcycles or district officers to handle traffic control

19 KCPD Prior to 2007 TIM Summit
At the mercy of tow companies to clean up scene. No control over the time or method of recovery. Less than optimal working relationship with KCFD. Poor Communications Internal and External Did not use available resources to advantage.

20 KCPD Prior to 2007 TIM Summit
Lacked efficient scene management (No Plan) Typically would not call Medical Examiner until after everything was done Typically would not call for tow trucks until after everything was done Did not play well with others

21 KCPD Prior to 2007 TIM Summit
Began using total stations in 2001 purchased with MCSAP and Grant Funds Only 2 of the 4 Total Stations used by VCS personnel had reflector-less measuring capability. (Required officer with prism pole in the roadway to take measurements.) As a unit did not use technology to advantage Different levels of competence with equipment. Responding personnel did not function as a team.

22 Total Station (Survey Instrument) used to Measure Scenes by VCS Personnel

23 KCPD Commitment 2007 TIM Summit
Chief Corwin supports the Traffic Incident Management program as long it does not compromise the integrity of an investigation by our agency, or jeopardize the safety of our personnel.

24 A New Beginning 720 Squad Test Case
After the Summit A New Beginning 720 Squad Test Case

25 The Crash Team Concept Many agencies have established “Crash Teams” but what does this really mean? Is it anything more than just a title?

26 To be Effective The Crash Team
Must really function as a team Organized, coordinated “team” approach to scene investigation Divide and share responsibilities Have a plan Set goals and objectives, targeted results

27 MODOT Assistance Traffic Control, Manpower, Resources, cones
Incident Warning Signs Provided equipment (2 new reflector-less total stations, new digital cameras and flashes)

28 VCS 720 Squad Sgt. Bill Mahoney 720 PO Bill Johnson 721
PO Paul Luster 722 PO Ron Reilly 723 PO Jamie Lamb 724

29 KCPD 720 Squad Functions as a team Supervisor is more of a coordinator
Lead Officer handling crash usually dictates roles of other team members All members work in concert to accomplish goals Limiting the time a roadway is closed is now factored into action plan. The target is 90 minute clearance.

30 Shared Responsibilities
Gather Information, vehicle, witnesses, etc., Photographs Scene Documentation and Evidence Collection Interviews / Statements involved parties, witnesses Clean Up, Vehicle Removal

31 Supervisor’s Role Still In Charge But:
Coordinates Response – enhanced team investigation using other TIU elements. Resource Allocation Organizational Support Manages Media at the Scene Handles Notifications Runs Interference Allows us to do our job

32 Supporting Patrol 720 squad members are active during rush hour, special events, bad weather, and other high traffic periods. Emphasis on highway incidents. Objective is to keep patrol division resources available for non traffic related calls.

33 During Test Period 720 Squad Handled
1,945 calls for service 50 fatality Crashes 318 Injury Crashes 235 Non Injury Crashes 77 Complete Crash Reconstructions 83 Police Vehicular Crashes 80 Commercial Vehicle Crashes

34 Factors to Consider Special Needs:
Timely Notification of Medical Examiner Map it now or come back later Traffic Control / Incident Signs for highway scenes, update TOC Arrange tows or turn scene over to MODOT for clean up

35 Highway Incidents Mapping it now or Later?
Investigators Safety? Time of Day and Traffic Volume? Location, Special Events, etc.? Sufficient Resources Available? How much of the scene will require mapping personnel to be in the roadway?

36 Highway Incidents Mapping it Now or Later?
Can the scene be shot from another vantage point using a reflector-less instrument? (overpass, roadside, ramp, etc.) *Use available technology and resources to your advantage.

37 The following 2 maps were shot using a reflector-less total station without having the road closed or officers in the roadway.

38 I-670 and Locust

39 Cookingham and I-435 (West)

40 Mapping it Now Document evidence located in the roadway first, and work across the roadway so individual lanes that can be reopened before you measure things that can be done later such as shoulders, pavement edges, roadside signs and objects. Document vehicle locations and positions and tow them away.

41 Turning Scene over to MODOT
MODOT can provide equipment to clear roadway. MODOT can arrange tows with proper resources to expedite recovery. MODOT will assume responsibility for scene. MODOT can set conditions for tow companies to handle removal.

42 The Results

43 KC Scout / MODOT Data Kansas City experience on KCMO instrumented routes. Secondary Accidents reduced by 47% Average Time to Clear Incidents went from 39.1 minutes to 22.3 minutes. Marking a 16.8 minute reduction in how long cars are in the roadway. Of course this has a direct reflection on the secondary routes also. The time to clear a back-up went from 11.1 minutes to 5.6, a 5.5 minute reduction in the time it takes to clear the back-up from incidents 122% increase (year to date) in traffic fatalities 2008

44 The Real Difference For level 3 incidents (90 minutes and above) fatalities, huge wrecks, hazardous materiel etc.....We have shaved 111 minutes off of the incident duration.  Almost 2 hours has been eliminated due to these incident management efforts. This is a huge economic, safety and secondary crash benefit.

45 Our Findings 90 minute clearance time is not unrealistic.
Investigations have not been compromised Shared responsibilities have actually improved the quality of our investigations and enhanced performance of our squad. Improved relationship with KCFD and others

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