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Ancient Egypt Lessons 3-4.

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1 Ancient Egypt Lessons 3-4

2 The Big Picture Egyptians weren’t the only culture developing and growing. Europe developed islands and peninsulas in the north Africa learned to survive in the desert of the Sahara to the west Asia formed communities in what is now known as: Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq in the east Kingdoms of Nubia were thriving due to gold mines and trade networks in the south. Why did this type of movement shape development in these cultures?

3 Hatshepsut Foremost (first) of the Noble Ladies
She was a princess and wife of a pharaoh. Became a co-ruler with her 10 year old stepson. Organized the biggest trading expedition of her career. Expedition is a group of people who go on a trip for a set reason. It was a huge success. Let’s read about it on page 87.

4 A Social Pyramid A person’s place in society depended on what they did for a living. Pharaoh Government Officials* Nubian and Egyptian Soldiers Syrian, Nubian, & Egyptian Craftworkers Nubian, Asian, and Syrian Slaves/Peasants (This was the largest class of citizens) *Syrian princes joined the ranks in government

5 Farm Life Farmers worked on farms owned by wealthy Egyptian landowners. The workers on a farm did more than just grow crops. The jobs included: Farmers – crops Fisherman – fish from Nile Herders – for cattle and goats Bakers – ground wheat and made breads Brewers – beer Brickmakers – shaped bricks from river mud for worker’s houses

6 Children of Egypt Egyptian children were much like children today. They played games, played with dolls and dogs, wrestled, and they ran. However, how much they were able to play depended on where in society they were. What do you think that means? You have 3-5 seconds to talk with your table and come up with an answer.

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