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Paper-based Reference Books Newspapers Periodicals Directories Maps etc Information that is stored by traditional means.

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2 Paper-based Reference Books Newspapers Periodicals Directories Maps etc Information that is stored by traditional means.

3 Electronic/Computer CD-Rom Internet Computer Files - Databases - Spreadsheets

4 People-based Essential information can be obtained from other people with specialised knowledge You would not have to refer to any other data

5 Concise, up-to-date information is essential for any business to function efficiently -Inside the business -Outside the business Information can be obtained from 2 sources

6 From internal sources within the organisation Sales Figures from the Sales Department Information from your supervisor

7 From outwith the organisation Tourist Information Agency Travel Agents Libraries Banks

8 The information is up-to-date The information is easy to access, 24 hours a day It is less expensive, in terms of time saved, than searching through paper-based sources of reference because of the speed of access

9 Computer-based retrieval system accessed from special TV set. Information can only be read - no interaction Examples: News Weather Finance TV Listings Share Prices etc

10 Holds a vast amount of data - using the search feature information can be found very quickly Some common CD-Roms are: Encarta Groliers Newspapers Encyclopaedia Britannica

11 A world-wide network of computers linked together via telephone lines Consists of WWW and E-mail Common information is: News Supplier Information Finance Travel Entertainment etc.

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