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a. Say it again, please! b. Turn on the light, please!

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Presentation on theme: "a. Say it again, please! b. Turn on the light, please!"— Presentation transcript:

1 a. Say it again, please! b. Turn on the light, please!

2 a. Sure b. May I come in?

3 a. Of course b. Sorry, not right now.

4 a. Don’t eat fresh food! b. Don’t eat junk food!

5 a. Eat tea! b. Drink tea!

6 a. Don’t throw rubbish! b. Hold up your hands!

7 a. Clean the board b. Give me the scissors please!

8 KAPIYI AÇABİLİR MİSİN? a. Can you open the door? b. May I open the door?

9 ELLERİNİZİ KALDIRABİLİR MİSİNİZ. a. May I hold up my hands. b
ELLERİNİZİ KALDIRABİLİR MİSİNİZ? a. May I hold up my hands? b. Can you hold up your hands?

10 IŞIĞI AÇABİLİR MİYİM. a. May I turn on the light. b
IŞIĞI AÇABİLİR MİYİM? a. May I turn on the light? b. Can you turn off the light?

11 BİSİKLETE BİNEBİLİR MİYİM? a. May I ride a horse? b. May I ride a bike?

12 RADYOYU DİNLEYEBİLİR MİSİN. a. May I listen to the radio. b
RADYOYU DİNLEYEBİLİR MİSİN? a. May I listen to the radio? b. Can you listen to the radio?

13 CEP TELEFONUNU KULLANABİLİR MİYİM. a. May I use your mobile phone. b
CEP TELEFONUNU KULLANABİLİR MİYİM? a. May I use your mobile phone? b. Can you use your bike?

14 RAKAMLARIN EN BÜYÜĞÜ HANGİSİ? a. Seventeen b. Seventy c. Fifty-four


16 a. Fifty b. Fifteen c. Eighteen d. Eighty

17 A – Hello, I am Wesley, what is your name? B – Hi I am Fernando. A ? B. Fernando. BOŞ BIRAKILAN YERE NE GELMELİDİR? a. b.

18 A – Where are you from. B – I am from. a. Mexican b. Mexico c. Italy d
A – Where are you from? B – I am from a. Mexican b. Mexico c. Italy d. France

19 A - Are you Greek? B – No, I am.............. a. Turkey b. Turkish

20 A – Is he Japanese? B - ............................ a. I think so b. I don’t think so

21 A – Are you Turkish? -....................... a. Yes, I am b. No, I am not

22 A – Are you French? - ....................... a. Yes, I am b. No, I am not

23 A – Is he Japanese? B - ............................ a. I think so b. I don’t think so

24 I am Oliver. I am from Germany. I am. a. German b. Germanish c
I am Oliver. I am from Germany. I am a. German b. Germanish c. Germanese

25 I am Ahmed I am from Saudi Arabia. I am. a. Arabish b. Arabian c
I am Ahmed I am from Saudi Arabia. I am a. Arabish b. Arabian c. Arabese

26 I am Gerard. I am from France. I am ............. a. Franch b. French c. Frennish

27 I am Robbie. I am from England. I am. a. Engliese b. Englandic c
I am Robbie. I am from England. I am a. Engliese b. Englandic c. English

28 I am Hiroki. I am from Japan. I am ............. a. Japon b. Japanish c. Japanese

29 My name is Lalit. I am from India. I am. a. Indian b. Idianese c
My name is Lalit. I am from India. I am a. Indian b. Idianese c. Indish

30 My name is Manuel. I am from Mexico. I am. a. Mexicish b. Mexican c
My name is Manuel. I am from Mexico. I am a. Mexicish b. Mexican c. Mexica

31 My name is Juan. I am from Spain. I am. a. Spaniol b. Spanish c
My name is Juan. I am from Spain. I am a. Spaniol b. Spanish c. Spanese

32 My name is Burak. I am from Turkey. I am. a. Turkish b. Turkey c
My name is Burak. I am from Turkey. I am a. Turkish b. Turkey c. Turkese

33 Zb bursa

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