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Warm-Up Agenda Turn in Color Symbolism Essay!!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Agenda Turn in Color Symbolism Essay!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 26, 2018 Essential Question: Does history influence film or do films influence history? 
Warm-Up Agenda Turn in Color Symbolism Essay!! Pick up the article from the front Read it and highlight all the dates and important historical events as you read. Create a timeline for the Superman article  Research Mini-Lesson from Mrs. Rossi Make a timeline for your movie ** You may need to watch your film again and take some notes to help with your research and your writing.**

2 March 27, 2018 Essential Question: Does history influence film or do films influence history? 
AGENDA: Books from Mrs. Rossi Create EasyBib Account – go to library webpage for directions! Use school and password for your account Work on Timeline & show me Answer guiding questions #2 in folders   Mini-Lesson on how to document your notes (notecards or paper) Begin researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3)

3 March 28, 2018 Essential Question: Does history influence film or do films influence history? 
Warm-Up Agenda Turn in your timeline Answer questions 2 & 3 on your Movie Research Handout—show me!  Write question for research and body paragraphs  Continue researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3) Begin Writing your Introduction, finish for homework

4 March 29, 2018 Essential Question:  Does history influence film or do films influence history? 
Warm-Up Agenda Show me your questions in your folder Write thesis Easy bib again & data bases Write introduction Continue researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3) Begin Writing your body paragraphs Show me Paragraphs 1 & 2 when finished

5 March 30, 2018 Essential Question:
Warm-Up Agenda Show me your Body Paragraphs 1 & 2 Get back to research and writing Continue researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3) Begin Writing your body paragraphs Show me Paragraphs 3 and Conclusion when finished  We will be in the computer lab on Monday & Tuesday to type our final drafts. You must show me all of your paragraphs on Monday before you may begin typing your final draft. 

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